Chapter 3 | Lost in Cervera

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Edited 02.02.2019

Chapter 3 | Lost in Cervera

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Chapter 3 | Lost in Cervera

Day turned to Night. The city became quite a little. People rested at their houses, some of them still wandered around like me. I was rushing to the railway station. Next stop: Bilbao.

"Ticket, miss?" asked the employee. I slid the ticket off my pocket and handed it to him.

"Tourist, hm? Passport?"

I opened my bag to find passport but I didn't find it. Panic started to attack me. I searched one more time didn't find anything but a huge hole on my bag, dammit.

"Um, I lost it. It must have been fallen when I was walking around the town."

"I'm sorry, without your passport you are not allowed to enter the flight."

"C'mon sir, just this time," I said to him.

"Rules are rules, sorry."

"Fine, thanks," I said then rushed off the station.

Shit, it was his fault. If he didn't bump into me, my bag wouldn't be ruined. I could continue my journey to Bilbao and not searching a polite station to report a lost passport, wallet, cards, and all of my visa.

I cursed under my breath all the way to police station. I was a mess. I didn't know what to do, what to feel. Was I angry? Was I sad? Was I scared?

"Is there anything I can help you with?" asked one of the police when I stepped my feet entering the police station. I nodded, "I lost my passport, wallet, cards, and visa."

"How did it happened?" I explained everything to him.

"Ah I see, we'll process this case. But we need some times. Please, fill this data. We'll get you informed." He handed me some paper and a pen. i filled the paper about my identity then hand it back to the police.


"Denada, buenas noches."

I walked out from the police station, not knowing what would happen next. I sat in the corner of the stairs trying to figured out what would I do next. I even didn't have a needle and thread to sewed my bag. I just prayed that nothing bad would happen to me.

I felt my phone vibrating. I took it and saw that Dad made a group call with Mom, me and Jonathan. I maintain to calm my voice and tried my best not to cry.

Marsella: Hello everybody!

Dad: Hi there darling.

Mom: How was Cervera? I still don't get it, why you choose that city in the first place?

Marsella : Me too Mom. It just feels like it. Like okay Cervera for the openning and of course it was awesome!

Dad: Always be careful, Sella.

Marsella : Ay-ay Captain!

Dad: Mom already miss you guys.

Mom: Honey, I told you not to tell my babies (whispering to Dad. I chuckled. I missed them.)

Jonathan: Mom, we know you always miss us.

Mom: I'm your mom after all.

Marsella: Well, you're the best mom in the world.

Dad: What about me?

Jonathan: The best pops!

We laughed together.

Jonathan : Have you add more writing on wanderlust twins?

Marsella : Not yet, I just done wandering. How was training today?

Jonathan : As always. Still not the blues but that's okay.

Marsella : Hahaha, be grateful. You already played for Totenham FC.

Jonathan : yea yea, as you said.

Marsella : Uhm, I think I need to recharge my battery. It's already 15%. (I took a peak of my battery)

Dad : Okay sweety, have a great night. Don't push yourself too hard.

Marsella : Goodbye! Love you always!

I hung up and sighed. I tried not to zoned out and started to solve my problem.

I remembered my Dad once told me, 'There's always a way. Nothing will get in your way.' I stood up full of ambition.

"Now I have to find a place to sleep, but where?" I talked to myself. At lease I needed a place to stay until I had my stuff back. My feet dragged me around the neighborhood.

I knocked to a house, the big one in the corner of the street. After a man opened the door, I said, "Good evening sir, sorry to disturb you. I'm looking for a place to sleep until I find my passport. I'm a tourist and am lost."

"Sorry but the rooms are full." Without saying anything else he closed the door in front of me.

'well that was rude, and hurtful,' I thought to myself. I walked to the house next to it. I knocked but there was no answer. I knocked once again but no one showed up to open the door. I moved to the next house. The house was quiet humble but there was something inside of me that telling me like I want to stay there'. I knocked the door and it was opened right after I knocked three times.

It revealed a couple. I thought they were at their fifties.

"Good evening, Sir, Ma'am. Sorry to disturb you. I lost my passport, identity card, wallet and all my visa. I've reported to the police but I have to wait until they found them. I might need some place to sleep until I get my stuff back. Please?" that's was all I say. I didn't want to be homeless, especially in another country.

They smiled at me generously. Honestly, that kinda scared me out.

"Of course, we have some guest room. You can stay," she said to me. I got very happy, "Really?"

They nodded. I smile gladly then hugged them, "Gracias..gracias..gracias!!"

I am so relief that I wouldn't have to be a homeless in a foreign country.

"You speak Spanish?"

"A little, I'm still learning. I was determined, traveling to Spain with less Spanish knowledge. I'm Marsella."

"Well, welcome Marsella. I'm Roser and this is my husband Julia."

"Mucho gusto. I know some of Spanish greetings," I chuckled. They led me to the guest room. "Feel free to ask anything. Make yourself at home."

"Gracias," I smiled. 



just want to say thank you for reading this book. 

Kiarine 💙❤

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