Chapter 31 | Disappointment

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Posted 07.02.2019

Chapter 31 | Disappointment

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Chapter 31 | Disappointment

Cervera, Spain

Marsella's POV

Why am I so stupid? Why am I say that? I just destroyed my relationship and doubt the man I love. Ugh I hate myself.

How could I say such mean things like that? Why's this hurt so much?


"Marsella," Marc said.

"I want to be left alone, Marc." I said.

"Okay," He said but I can't open my mouth, instead I cried. He deserved someone better. Someone whom trusted him, someone that love him unconditionally. I heard his footsteps fade. I think he went back to his room.

I toke a piece of paper and began to write a letter for Madre and Padre while sobbing. I felt broken, heartbroken. I wrote how sorry I am to them and thank them for letting me stay. And when midnight comes, I packed my stuff, left the letter on the table and quietly made my way to my vehicle. I found Marc was sleeping in the sofa but kept going anyway. And before I close the front door behind me, I looked to the house and said deeply in my heart,

I am sorry to disappoint all of you.


I opened my eyes just to see white hospital ceiling. Where the hell am i? why am I in a hospital gown? I analyzed over my body, all covered with bandage. My mom sat beside me with Jonathan hugging her. But Dad was no where in sight.

Oh my God! I was in a car accident—with Marcell. Wait, where's he? Does he survive?

"Where is he?"

"Where is Marcell?"

"She's awake!" I heard mom run to call the doctor and nurses. After they finished checking me up, They left and I begging Jonathan to tell me where the hell is Marcell.

"Jonathan tell me, where is Marcell?"

"Sella, can you just calm down?" His voice cracked.

"He didn't make it, did he?"

"He didn't survive?"


Jonathan shook his head. Marcell's dead. He didn't survive. It's all my fault. I cried in an instant.

"no, no, no," my voice cracking, "I was the one whom supposed to dead."

"I need to see him!" without thinking twice, I ran out and looked for Marcell, didn't care if I was in pain myself. I need to see him. And then I meet Dad standing in front of a door.

"Dad!" He looked surprised to see me, "He's inside, isn't he?"

He nodded, I push the door knob and found Marcell lying there. His lifeless body looked so pale. He was covered by scars, dried blood stains.

He's dead,

Because of me

He's protecting me

What a bad twin I am.

"NO! MARCELL!!!" I shouted, opening my eyes. I could feel sweat covering my body. My ears could hear how rapid my heartbeat was. Another nightmare called me back from my restless sleep.

It's been 5 years, why can't I get over it already? I'm exhausted.

I parked my car on the parking lot of a park. It's already morning, I quickly drove my van to international shipping office to send my van to London, where Jonathan lived. After that, I book the first flight to London.



Standing still from across a two story house with large fiberglass windows and door. A mini garden with a stone pathway towards the front door. Wondering if this is really Jonathan house. I checked a photo once Jonathan shared on our family group chat and it looked the same like the contemporary house I'm facing.

I dragged myself to the front door and rang the bell.

I waited 5 minutes but no answer. Where the hell is he?

I rang the bell again. What took him so long?

Impatiently, I rang the bell again. I pressed it non stop until the door burst open.

"Don't you know how hard it is to walk with this crutch from upstairs?" he cursed under his breath while struggling for the door to open. My eyes widen in an instant after seeing his leg. Covered in bandage and he's wearing a crutch to help him walk. I hugged him, "I actually don't know, big Jo."

"Baby girl! Why didn't you call me first?"

"Surprise!" I rejoiced.

"Come in," He led me inside and we found our way to his family room, sitting on the couch.

I brutally asked, "What the hell happened to you?"

He rolled his eyes in annoyance, "Injury. What brings you here?"

"Can I leave my van here? Just for a few days, maybe week. I already shipping my van this morning. It should get here tomorrow." I asked him, I know he would say yes so I didn't need to worry.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"Home," I simply said.

"Why all of the sudden?" I stared at Jonathan as if my mind was brought back to the past when I dream about Marcell.

I push the door knob and found Marcell lying there. His lifeless body looked so pale. He was covered by scars, dried blood stains.

He's dead,

Because of me

I looked down and sighed, "I kept dreaming about Marcell, maybe I should visit his graveyard since I miss his death-versarry this year."

"I'll come with you."

That's one thing I love about Jonathan. He's so understanding when everything get emotional like this.

"Don't you have match to play?" I raised a brow. His expression went flat, "Do you think I can run with this things? I still on my recovery."

"Oh Right, sorry. Was it bad?"

"Not really—of course it was. I had Three or four, probably more weeks off,"

"Okay, I'll book a flight to Bali as soon as my van gets here."

Thank You!


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