Chapter 29: Garden of the Gods

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Wednesday morning, Victor stood in his bedroom window, again staring out at the curved remnant of Crimson, about to go below the horizon.

"This is the day," he said to himself, groaning while pulling a black hoodie over his head, zipping it up. A pair of black Jeans, black hiking boots, and a rucksack packed with supplies waited for him in his Jeep, which he had also parked on the road, farther down from the driveway. Waking his parents would set him back. Sneaking out before the first light was the only way he'd escape his father's questioning.

Leaving his room, he made sure to put a note on his bed, just in case. He might as well divert his father's attention by letting him believe he drove somewhere else. Willow would be waiting in her Mini Cooper at 31st Street, by a coffee shop. He longed for a cup from the Wild Goose and thought he might venture in—avoiding George if possible. It all depended on how successful they'd be.

He tiptoed down the hallway, down the stairs, and through the front door, as quiet as possible. Mr. Black would be up shortly to head to the mountain for what Victor knew would be a busy day solving the most significant problems facing the country, too busy to worry about him.

Within minutes he sat in his Jeep driving. Within twenty minutes he pulled up beside Willow, who had parked at the coffee shop's parking lot. She nodded off in the driver's seat when he knocked on her window.

"Wake up sleepyhead," he said in a drawn-out song, rhythmically rapping on her window.

Willow jolted upright and cracked a smile. She had not slept either. Knowing she was probably like Victor, without any explanation as to how, kept her mind reeling. She rolled her window down, leaned out, and kissed Victor on his cheek.

"You ready for some craziness?" she said, yawning as the fresh morning air rushed in.

"Do I have a choice?" said Victor.

"People our age are always looking to save the world, guess we have our chance now, huh," said Willow. "How about some coffee?"

"You crazy? The coffee here will dissolve your throat."

"Like George's stuff was any better, considering he laced it with God knows what," she argued.

"I get your point, but, no coffee. I'm jacked-up on adrenalin, what with what's coming our way," said Victor. "Who were you able to round up?"

Since she lived in town and had a non-military landline, Willow was tasked with contacting Josh, Pam, and anyone she deemed trustworthy, to go with them on the morning's hike.

"They released Alan and Pam from your father's slammer," said Willow, being sarcastic.

"He didn't do it. They knew what they were getting in to," said Victor. "They ok?"

"Yes, they're a bit shaken, but they can come with us today, but need to be home by five."


"Restrictions. They can't do, or say, certain things because of taking the flash drive with them. It could have been a lot worse," said Willow. "But they want to help."

"I hope they're both in our circle if you know what I mean," hinted Victor. He had a worried look on his face. "What if some, or all, the people we know are just, well, regular people?"

"Get in," said Willow, ushering Victor to her driver's side seat. "We can talk on the way. The others are meeting us there. I invited some other girls from my class since school's out all week, and Shadow."

"You got a hold of her?" said Victor, glad things were going in the right direction.

"Yeah. Shadow's pretty freaked though."

Victor Black - And the Garden of the GodsWhere stories live. Discover now