Chap. 1 The cat-astrophe

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A/N: Sorry couldn't pass on a good pun, and like I said in the description of this story there will only be mentions of abuse in this chapter and this chapter only. If you don't want to read that I might make a second chapter 1 and make it without the abuse, but that's only if I find time to do something like that. Sorry about all the info, why don't we get on with this story. Don't forget this is between volumes 2 and 3, closer to volume two's ending.

Ruby's POV

"Come on guys I'm hungry." I complained as we made our way through the market. Everyone looked at me and sighed heavily at my statement. "Oh come on sis we just ate thirty minutes ago." Yang said. I groaned as we continued to walk through the market, I then heard something going on behind some of the booths. "Just a second guys I think I heard something." I said making my way behind the booths. I peeked around the corner and saw two adults beating up a girl who was laying on the ground. "You useless child." The man said kicking her. My eyes widen in horror as she just stayed there on the ground, not fighting back. "You forgot the ingredients for our booth." The women said picking the girl up by her hair. I turned back to see my team staring at me, I felt tears starting to form in my eyes quickly wiping them away. "Ruby, what's wrong?" Blake asked. I pointed to the corner and we all peeked around it, I saw that the adults were still beating up the girl. "I'm going to save that girl." I said as we came back from peeking. They all nodded and followed me as we rounded the corner. "Hey stop beating her!" I yelled

"Why should we she's a good for nothing daughter, she can't do anything right and is just a bother to us." The man said kicking her once more. I used my semblance to run past them and grabbed the girl skidding to a stop bending down on one knee. "You little b-..." The man said as Yang punched him in the chest. The woman went to hit me, but Weiss used her glyphs to speed Blake up to stop her. I looked at the girl in my arms as she turned and coughed up some blood, I look down at the patch of grass seeing that it was also drenched in blood. "Yang, look at the grass." I said standing up. Yang looked down, I watched as her eyes went red she looked at both of the adults and walked towards them. "Yang, no we'll let someone else take care of them." Blake said stopping her. Yang closed her eyes taking a deep breath to calm down, Weiss had her scroll out and was calling Vale police.

"We need to get her some help as soon as we can." Blake said Coming over to check on the girl. Something was poking out of her tattered clothes, Blake moved part of the back of her clothes and saw a tail. "I think she's a Faunus." Blake said allowing us to see the tail. I noticed that the girl had a small hat on and something was moving under it. "Umm do Faunus' have two animal traits typically?" I asked. Blake shook her head, as I reached to remove the hat. "N-no, d-don't t-take m-my h-hat o-off." The girl said reaching up to grab her hat, see looked up at me. I nodded and started walking towards the infirmary, so she could be treated. "Let's go girls." Yang said. Blake and Weiss didn't follow and stayed where they were. "I think we're going to stay here and wait for the police to show up." Blake said as I rounded the corner.

Blake's POV

"Alright suit yourself." Yang said as she went after her sister. Weiss looked over at me as I made my way over to a bench, she came over and sat next to me. "Are you okay?" Weiss asked. I nodded and sat down watching the two adults to make sure they wouldn't move. "It's hard to watch and not want to do something more drastic, huh?" Weiss said. I nodded again, resting my head in my hands, I felt Weiss put an arm around my back as I looked at her I saw tears starting to flow. "At least we saved her from that torture." I said. I felt Weiss nodded as I looked back to the adults, Weiss had used her glyphs to freeze one of the woman's feet to the ground and did the same to the man who was passed out close by. "Look you got the girl can you just leave us alone?" The woman asked. I looked at her and stood up shocking Weiss a little. "No, you need to answer for what you did to your own daughter." I said ready to slap her. Weiss stopped me used her glyphs to freeze more of her leg. "We can't let them get to us." Weiss said pulling me back towards the bench. We sat and waited for the police to show up, I thought about how the girl's parents did to her. "I hope that Ruby and Yang are taking care of her now." I thought to myself.

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