Gossip #12

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Since Lisa was three, she vividly remembers how Taehyung and his parents visits to their house every time. She always sneaks out from her room to watch the five year old boy who loves to play on their piano.

At first, she was curious about the boy. She often asked her mom who is he and his parents? Why do they always come here? Why does the boy plays with her things?

Turns out they were her mom's best friends in Korea. They planned to migrate here in Switzerland and her family is helping them to cope up.

But as the time goes by, she noticed how her parents attention was slowly being taken away from her and all because of that talented young boy. He sings and plays the piano for entertainment when it's thanksgiving, Christmas, and New year's eve.

However the young boy always look at her with confusion in his eyes. She can feel him watching her every moves, and Lisa started to hate him when one day she accidentally tripped herself on the ground as he called her 'clumsy kitten'.

She lost one tooth because of that yet Taehyung laughed at her, and that basically started everything...

"That's not how you play the piano, toothless kitten."
Little Lisa tried to ignore the young boy, as she fumbles with her notes with her little pink tongue out. The boy tilt his head as he look at her in confusion, she is playing the wrong key yet Lisa is shooing him away.

"I don't need your help."
She glance at him shortly before continuing to practice on the piano again. It was out tuned yet she was determined that she will learn it by herself.

She pleaded her parents to play the piano on Christmas Eve and so here she is practicing for the umpteenth times.

Little Taehyung shrugged his shoulders, finally letting the topic go.
"Fine with me. Go embarrass yourself tomorrow."
Lisa who heard this just rolled her eyes and made an annoying face. Taehyung chuckled at this and pinched her nose which the little girl slapped his hand away.

"Ew. Your hand is dirty." She whined, crunching her nose. However the boy didn't even mind, he laughed at her and pulled one of her pigtails.

"Oh by the way, I have something for you." He said. The latter being curios, she look at him only to jumped away from her seat when he showed the fake frog he's holding on his other hand.

"Kyaahh!!!" Lisa screamed in fear as she started throwing the piano notes to Taehyung but he just laughed so hard, he is even clutching his stomach that made little Lisa jumped at him to pull his hair.

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