A whole new place

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I was playing with all the pups, I was so much happier finally knowing what I wanted to do in life. Everything in the pack seemed to be going well and Brook and Frost would be apprentices in about two moons. I'm glad I've gotten to see them grow up. They love playing with the younger pups and teaching them things. I think soon I'll teach them how to swim so they won't drown. I looked up and saw Moon and Storm leaning against each other and mumbling. I couldn't hear them but it seemed to be urgent. Maybe I'll ask Moon about it later. The pups ran up to me and asked to play our mountain game again to which I agreed and sat straight up. After a few minutes Moon started walking towards me. Guess I didn't have to ask her after all. I looked back at the pups chuckling. "Mom," I looked back up at Moon, "Can I speak to you?" I nodded and got the pups off my back. I followed Moon and when we stopped she spoke again, "Mom, I wanted to ask your opinion." I smiled at her, "You know you can ask me anything, I'm your mom!" I could see guilt flood her eyes.

"I wanted to know if....If it would be a good idea to take everyone to see my pack." I felt myself freeze, she wanted to do what?! I opened my mouth to speak but I didn't know what to say so I keep opening and closing trying to form words. I felt my eyes tear up and then start rushing down my face. I buried my face into her fur and I heard her mumbling to me, "Mom don't cry! Mom, I don't know where you're crying, it's not like I'm leaving you forever! I want to take you with me!" I managed to look up and nod. "I know, it's just...I've kept you here for so long, I was scared you wanted to go back. I didn't know what to do about it. I looked back up at her and saw her smile. She looked happy that I wasn't thinking bad anymore and that's what I wanted.

I felt her curl her tail around me, "So that's a yes?" She asked. I nodded and smiled, when she moved her tail I stood and licked her ear gently. I turned and got all the tears off my face and walked back over to the pups.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

The next morning I woke up and saw Moon sitting on the large rock trying to gather everyone. We had walked by the river for a while and made sure we all stayed close together. Moon stopped so all of us did, it looked as if she was sniffing around. PawStep asked what Moon had smelt and she said it was a deer. I knew what she had smelt, it was one of her siblings I just couldn't remember which one. It was one of her sisters but if she didn't wanna mention it then I wouldn't say anything. After a while longer of walking everyone looked tired and hungry. Lilypad had started complaining before Storm made her be quiet. We walked for about 30 more minutes until Moon snatched Aurua up and we all stopped and smelt wolf. I could feel anxiety rushing over me. What if this wolf hurt my pack and my family? What if they hurt the pups? What if I had to fight or— my thoughts were cut off by Moon's gentle command, "Mom, get the pups. Everyone else make a circle around them!" We kept walking in this formation as the scent of more wolves started to flood my nose. I zoned out after for a few minutes until I heard Lilypad howl and then Moon tackle her in reply. "Shut up! You will be killed if they hear us!" Lilypad had a snarl on her face but kept her tongue.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

After a bit we eventually made it to Dusk, him and Moon talked for a few minutes. Lilypad kept smiling and acting innocent around him. He he put her off and made us follow him and Moon. I couldn't help but let out a small giggle at the fact that he had dismissed her so easily. After going through this territory for a small amount of time. We heard a wolf calling Moon's name. It was a well built but old looking wolf who had very beautiful she-wolf beside him. I could see a little bit of him in each of his pups, including Moon's fur color. I felt myself get embarrassed that she looked so much like her actual father and not me. I looked over and saw Moon crying. I got more and more nervous every second. I kept trying to push the bad thoughts out of my brain about if they kicked us out and just took Moon and her pups but they just kept coming back. She ran up to him and snuggled into him. I heard him mumble the quiet words, "I won't let anyone take you away from me again, you understand?"

I could feel my heart tearing at the idea that Moon might leave me but once again I managed to push my bad thoughts away and focus on the fact that Moon is happy. We followed everyone and looked at the territory. I saw Moon approach a blonde wolf to ask for food. He pushed her over and snarled but I couldn't make out what he had said. The very next thing I knew he was lunging at her and she was using the moves I had taught her. Everyone started to yell at them to fight and I kept telling them to stop, but my voice was drowned out and nobody heard it. I felt my memories about MoonLight keep approaching my thoughts as I started at the fight. I saw Storm pull Moon away and I listened in on what he snarled at the blonde wolf, "I would advise you not pick a fight with this one, or her mother. Her father could do something to you though." "And who is her father? Huh, pretty boy?" I smirked and thought if only he knew... I dug my claws into the dirt and felt the wave of hate rush over me that I felt towards my ex mate. I closed my eyes and forced myself to calm down. I layed down and Moon went to go hunt by herself.

*・゜゚・*:.。..。.:*・'・*:.。. .。.:*・゜゚・*

I woke up gently and saw Moon dragging in a moose by herself. After all the negative thoughts this last hour I felt my chest swell with pride. That is my daughter, I raised her. She dragged it over to us and we all started eating. Take that Dustin, my daughter is better than you. After we finished eating we all curled up together and snuggled between Moon and PawStep. My pride for Moon still rushing over my body pulled me to sleep.

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