The Mission

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They reached the entrance to the pack cave, her father howled to show they were home. Her and PawPad then raced in front of their fathers. They both chuckled seeing their excitement. Her father then jumped on the caves tall rock to tell what they learned. Her mom then started grooming her like she was still a pup. NightPad was playfully pushing her away. Her mom stopped and then her mom started grooming her self. NightPad stood up and walked over to the little pond to get a drink after the announcements of the other pack. Her eyes glittered waiting to see MoonPad again. Without thinking she swiped up a fish with her paw. She then picked it up and took it to her sister who was about to have pups. She dropped it by her sister and asked "how long until you have your pups?," her sister took a bite of the fish and then said through a mouthful, "about a week or two." She then laid her head beside her sisters stomach and fell asleep to the feel of little pup feet kicking at her sister.

She woke up in the nursery wondering why she was there. She looked over and saw her sister and remembered and smiled. She slowly got up to leave and walked out to greet her mother and father. Her father looked at her and said, "I need you to go on a mission...if your up to it...if not I can just ask SandPad t-," she then yelped, "NO I CAN GO I'M UP FOR IT!!" Her father smiled and told her the mission. She nodded and had to go to the medicine cave (all the caves were just smaller caves connected inside one big cave) and she called through the vines, "Hey! SunStar! My dad told me you had me some traveling herbs!" SunStar told her to come in the cave. So she walked in and was amazed how much bigger it was than the entrance. SunStar approached her and sat down big leaves tied together and said, "these are your herbs you must take with you," and she then slid over some leaves and petals, "and you gotta eat these after you eat some fresh kill, but you have to wait five minutes before you can eat them, understood?" She nodded admiring how she remembered all that, she said goodbye and thanked her the left with the herbs to get some food.

She went over to the dead deer left laying beside the tall rock and started eating, it was a small deer meaning it was meant for her, whenever a wolf goes on a mission they should expect to find a small baby animal especially for them. She ate at least half of the deer meaning whatever she didn't eat she got to choose two wolves to eat the rest. She went into the nursery to tell her sister ,now awake, that she could have it, and then went to the apprentices den to tell PawPad she could eat the rest as well, PawPad didn't know about her mission yet and was happy for her yet she could see a hint of jealousy in her eyes. It had been five minutes since she ate so she went over to the leaves she left beside the deer and ate the leaves scrunching up her face ate the foul taste. She then grabbed the bundle and said her goodbyes and started out of the cave, on her way she had to pass through the other packs territory and when she explained they had to let her.

She finally reached the river that separated the pack territories and stopped to take a drink. She realized she was getting tired so she opened up the bundle of herbs she had, she ate them because they are supposed to give her energy. She caught a fish and started to eat and when she was half way done she felt a presence. She looked up to see MoonPad. She jumped up, her ears perked up, and she wagged her tail. His eyes sparkled. She quickly ate the rest of her fish and jumped in the water surprising MoonPad. He didn't expect her to swim, but she did. She climbed out of the water beside him her fur soaked.

She shook herself off and said, "What are you doing here?!" "Learning to hunt for fish...I saw you do it, can you help me that's the only animal I can't catch...," he mumbled. She instantly nodded. "But I have limited time maybe thirty minutes cause I'm on my first mission!," she proudly said as her eyes glowed and sparkled. He smiled at her and congratulated her. She then lied down by they edge of the water and he copied her, he was laying right beside her and their fur was touching. She realized she was just staring shocked. He stood up and apologized. She realized what she was doing, "No no no!! You're just fine it just surprised me that's all! Lay back down!," so he did. She then proceeded to teach him the way she was taught as a pup, and he got it in no time. She then stood up, and asked him if she was allowed to go through their territory. He said "well yeah, it's a mission we have to let you, but I'll take you to my dad and pretend you didn't tell me since you're only supposed to tell him, I'll pretend you just told me to take you to him!" She nodded and acted like she was being taken.

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