Talk it out

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As I saw Moon staring at the bush I was hiding in I was laying there just waiting for her tell me she was leaving. I was waiting for the words to leave her mouth after she found me. I started sobbing, I wasn't able to control myself. I was crying my eyes out and I saw the blurry shape of Moon rush straight towards me. "What're you doing here mom?!" She growled, "Why can't I have any—," she cut herself off as she saw my whole body shaking with sobs. "W-Wha—? Mom what's wrong?!" she stooped down to the level of my face, I could see the worry flooding her eyes. I just clamped my mouth shut and shook my head. "What's wrong?" she said more sternly. "I.....Please tell me you aren't leaving with him! I love you Moon! I can't lose you! I......I just can't... ," I cried out. "What're you talking about?" "You...he's your true littermate, you wanted to meet your other littermates. It only makes sense that you want to stay with them." She turned and barked to Dusk, "You should leave now, this is personal. I'll talk to you later but I need to stay with the wolf that raised me first," she said that with a rare sincerity in her usually perky voice. He nodded and padded away. She turned back towards me. "He may be my littermate, but he didn't raise me. You did, Dad did, PawStep, SkyCloud, and all of the wonderful pups you've had did. You made me who I am, you need to understand that. I wouldn't ever leave you, it's just exciting to meet someone that has my blood. I love you mom and that will never change, I'll stay by you until your death." I stared into her sincere eyes. I nodded slowly. "We should go back now," she mumbled. I pulled her tail back with my teeth as she started walking away. "Hey!" she yipped. I mumbled, "Let's just stay here, please... ." She nodded and layed down beside me and I layed my head onto her neck. I took a deep breath of her fur then dozed off.

I woke up about dawn and I stood up and stretched. "Moon," I nudged her. She stood and stretched her back as I kept trying to rub the puffiness from my eyes. "Ok let's go," I mumbled as I started walking towards the cave. "Wait, Mom. Can I tell you something? But you can't tell anyone yet, I haven't even told Storm. So for now only you and DreamHeart will know this information," she took a deep breath and a tilted my head, "I'm having pups and I don't know what to do because I was planning on waiting until my training was almost over." She kept breathing quickly. I put my tail over her shoulders, "You're a grown wolf, you're old enough to take on the responsibility to have pups. You aren't making the same mistake as I did, I had pups almost right after I became a warrior. I ran away and I didn't have any wolves with me that could help me give birth. Almost all the adults with us know how to help a birth," I paused giving her a moment to understand what I'd said, "You'll be ok, I won't tell anyone that you're pregnant but eventually you'll have to tell or they'll find out by your stomach." She stood there stunned for a second then nodded. She looked as though she never knew the struggles I went through to be with MoonLight. "Let's go ahead and leave before the others get worried," she nodded numbly. I lead her towards the cave with my tail. "I love you Moon," I licked her ear and then kept leading her towards the cave.

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