The Realization

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   As MoonPad started walking beside her pretending to be angry and annoyed. She couldn't help realizing she kept glancing at him. She kept asking her self, "why do we have to be separated? Why are our packs rivals?" She glanced at him and realized he saw her, she quickly turned away embarrassed. She wouldn't look up she just stared at her paws the rest of her way to his cave. She looked up at the entrance of their cave, refusing to enter. MoonPad nudged her with his tail, secretly giving her an encouraging look before pretending to be angry again.

   She slowly walked in as the pack growled and mumbled among themselves while giving her dirty looks. MoonPad lead her towards the cave in the tall rock, she realized that her packs cave didn't have that and was surprised at how big it seemed. Moon called for his father into the cave and he told them to enter. They walked in and as soon as she stepped foot into the cave the alpha jumped up and started growling while his fur stood up. She lowered herself to the ground surprised by his anger. The alpha growled, "What are you doing here pup?" At that she jumped up, flattened her ears, and growled back, "Who are you calling a pup?! I'm an apprentice and I'm here because I'm on a mission! So watch who you call 'pup'!"

   The alpha looked amazed by the fact she growled back. So he said, "MoonPad you may leave, I must speak privately with her," at that MoonPad nodded and whispered, "good luck Night," before leaving. The alpha said, "you may sit." She sat up and he asked, "can you tell me what your mission is? If you don't I can't let you pass through without you having a trained warrior with you." She replied, "actually I don't need to go through your territory I just said that because MoonPad was here." He tilted his head asking, "then why are you here young one?," to that she replied, "well since we know that your medicine wolves apprentice has just newly finished his training..." He looked confused so she continued, "well our medicine wolf is getting old and she doesn't have an apprentice...she's retiring soon, and we have a wolf that's about to have her pups...and our medicine wolf is too old to help her....and we need a medicine wolf to help with the birth," she then looked up and her eyes were watering. He then said, "well our new medicine wolf has been talking about leaving the pack...and I can tell by your eyes that the pregnant wolf is close to you, so I'll ask our new medicine wolf if he will help or join your pack," he smiled slightly. 

   He then called from his cave, "RiverStar! Come here!" A scrawny looking wolf stumbled in there she realized his leg was injured, "probably why he's a medicine wolf," she thought. He then proceeded to tell the wolf about the situation. As he said about leaving and joining the other pack the wolves eyes light up and he shouted, "YES! OF COURSE I WILL JOIN THEM!!," it surprised her. He then told them to leave and get the right herbs for their travels. He also told her she was welcome to some of kill that some wolves were eating. So while RiverStar went get the herbs she approached a group of wolves to eat some kill. She asked, "may I have some? Your alpha has given me permission to eat whatever kill I want and your deer looks pretty good." One of the wolves jumped up and growled, "our alpha would never give a wolf from the other pack permission to eat our food!" She then told him she was leaving their cave and needed a bit of food to travel and leave their territory. He mumbled under his breath but they let her eat. She then went over the medicine cave and had brought a mouthful of meat for RiverStar. He ate it instantly, so she asked, "woah, you ate that super fast and your super scrawny, are you ok?" He then looked up and said, "in our pack medicine wolves always have to eat last and we always get the worst part and we are treated very badly, that's why I want to leave..." she nodded and said, "well our pack is the right place we catch multiple animals and everyone eats at the same time!" His eyes glowed and they sat there smiling and then they ate their herbs and went on their way to leave, RiverStar said, "I must say goodbye to my friend..." she understood and nodded. MoonPad approached her and sat down beside her, their fur touching. She looked at him and told what her mission really was, and he nodded. RiverStar then came back so she stood up, licked his ear and said, "I hope to see you soon!," she then whispered super quiet so only he could hear, "meet by the river tomorrow," then smiled and walked away with RiverStar. She looked back and he smiled and nodded.

   They reached the river and she asked, "RiverStar do you know how to swim?" He looked at her nodded slightly. She then jumped in and started swim, she heard him jump in after her. She jumped out and shook herself off. She looked back to see him struggling to climb out, so she grabbed his scruff and pulled him out of the water. He shook himself off and they ate the energy herbs since the walk was a lot longer back to her cave. They started their walk back and an hour later they reached the cave. She walked in and the other wolves looked confused. She took him to the cave near the tall rock and they went in and talked to her father. He was glad that he had joined our pack and told her to show him around the cave and then take him to the medicine den.

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