The Secrets

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{for some random reason and because it's easier to "write" I am now "writing" in NightPad's pov}

   I woke up and realized it was almost sun high! I don't know if MoonPad would be by the river yet! I gotta hurry! I jump up from laying down. "Rabbit Dung I woke up PawPad!," I thought. But I didn't she just said something in her sleep. I, this time more slowly, walked out of the apprentices cave. I walked to my fathers cave to tell him I was going to hunt near the river. He asked me, "if you're hunting for fish why don't you hunt in the pond?" I told him "I'm hunting for big fish that could feed at least two wolves, not the small fish that even I could eat in two bites," he nodded and let me go.

I ran as fast as I could to the river, and to my surprise MoonPad had also just showed up as well. I jumped into the water and swam to riverbank. I jumped out of the water and purposely shook water all over Moon. "HEY! Stop it!," he chuckled. I giggled and sat down and patted beside me with my tail, gesturing him to sit beside me. He sat down and once again I found myself sitting next to MoonPad our fur barely touching. I also found myself avoiding his eye so he couldn't tell I was blushing.

I barely heard and smelt a wolf approaching from behind us through our loudish chat and I quickly jumped up and jumped in the water and pretended to fish. I actually did catch a fish and jumped back on to my bank to see Moon also fishing and the wolf was just the medicine wolf getting herbs. I signaled that I had to leave and tilted my ears towards the river asking to meet again. He nodded and mouthed, "Tomorrow?," I shook my head and mouthed, "three days," he nodded and we both ran off with a huge fish in our jaws.

When I returned PawPad ran up to me and all panicked said "YOUR SISTER IS HAVING HER PUPS!!! SHE'S IN THE MEDICINE DEN!!!" I dropped my fish and we ran to the medicine den to see her first pup, a female, with light grey fur, Soon to be known as MistPup, After about an hour she has had Three females and two males, to which we have named, Females: MistPup, TreePup(she is light brown), and OakPup(she is dark brown) and then Males: StonePup(he is also light brown), and MudPup(he is dark brown).

A week later it's time for the gathering! "I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE MOON AGAIN!," I thought, even though I saw him yesterday. It's time to leave and I run beside my dad to get there first. We stop at the hill and wait for the other pack to show up. When they stop at the other hill I see MoonPad standing beside his dad our eyes locked and I quickly looked down the skin under my fur getting warm.  We started walking down the hill to meet our friends in the other pack. I go straight to MoonPad and licked his ear in greeting. We sat down beside each other and just started talking about our secrets meetings, we were worried we would get caught ad wondered if we should stop meeting. I didn't want to stop seeing him, I really liked him...but just as a friend!! We stopped talking about our meetings when Pawpad showed up. We three started talking together whenever I saw A hint of jealousy in Pawpad's eyes whenever she saw us sitting so close together. Did Pawpad like Nightpad? No she couldn't...could she?

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