The truth

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"Hey PawPad, wake up," I nudged her to get her to wake up. "What do you want NightPad? Its the middle of the night," she grumbled. "Follow me," I said walking away not waiting for a reply. I hear her scramble of of the grass and moss bedding we use, I can smell the fear, confusion, and worry running off of her fur like the river. As I walk out of the cave entrance I stop and wait for PawPad to catch up. As she stops beside me I continue to walk out of the cave, I look over at SandPaw guarding the entrance. She turns and stares at me and PawPad, "We're going night hunting," I growl as she stares at us through suspicious eyes. I continue walking slowly feeling the worry run of PawPad's fur even faster, I start running to the biggest tree in our land. I look back to see PawPad racing to catch up, the sleep finally leaving her eyes.

I stop and sit down to catch my breath beside the giant old oak. PawPad sits beside me panting. She looks me in the eyes and growls, "What the heck did you bring me out here for, it's almost winter and my winter coat hasn't fully grown in yet...Unlike yours," she mumbles the last part. "I'm sorry...I just need to talk to you," I say avoiding her gaze. "Well what is it? I would like to get some sleep," she said more calmly. "Why does every time we go to a gathering and I sit beside MoonPad I see jealousy glint in your eyes?" before she has time to respond I keep going, "Do you like him? Cause if so just tell me, I'll get out of your way." "WHAT NO!!! I DON'T LIKE HIM!!! The truth is....well..." she whimpered. I could feel relief glow inside of me, but I tilted my head in confusion, I could feel the embarrassment running off of her. "Well......I LIKE YOU OK!!!!" she yowled and looked away the embarrassment mixed with fear rushing off of her faster than a waterfall. "I-I don't feel the same way," I mumble, my ears starting to burn with embarrassment. I used to like her, but it's to late ......I can't abandon MoonPad now, not when we're so close to being together...

Then an idea hit me, "YOU COULD COME WITH ME!!" I shouted on accident, "I'm sorry that slipped out, you shouldn't have heard that!" I turned away embarrassed. "What're you talking about, 'come with you'?" She questioned. I took a deep breath, looked up and stared into her eyes, and whispered, "Me and MoonPad can't stand being we're running away together........but I....I don't  wanna leave you!!" I cried out, my eyes beginning to water. Her eyes rounded with shock. "THIS IS WHY I DIDN'T WANT TO TELL YOU," I howled. Tears started rolling down my face, "YOU'RE GONNA TELL MY DAD THEN HE'LL FORBID ME TO RUN AWAY!"I started bawling like a pup, I couldn't help it, but then I felt PawPad rest her chin on top of my head and she mumbled, "I won't tell, and I will go with you, You will need more than just you two if you're gonna stay alive for more than a week." "Thank you," I mumbled. We started the short walk home our tails intertwined and love and happiness rushing like the river off our fur.

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