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Saturday morning...

When I had gotten home last night I walked in and talked to Rosa for a little. She was furious when I told her what the mysterious asshole had forced me into, telling me that no one should treat anyone like that. After I was able to calm her down, and after she promised she'll have a talk with Hanson when he comes over for Sunday dinner. I told her she didn't have to but she was adamant. Once she left I scooped my son up who was babbling in his baby rocking chair and brought him to bed with me. We played for hours until my baby got tired and fell asleep.

It's now 7:00 in the morning. I woke up to my phone blaring and Hope hysterical crying. I ran over to Hope and picked hin up. My breasts were hurting so bad because they were full and Hope was hungry. Once I adjusted him and he was eating I grabbed my phone and saw I got a message. From a number that was not saved in my phone.

Unknown: I need a reservation at Le Bernardin for Saturday December 17th at 7:00 p.m. I need an appointment with our location in California, with headquarters. Make sure it's a conference call. I don't have time to fly out. Ask for Mr. Donavan and to make the conference call. I will speak to no one else. I need this conference call for Monday morning. I need a nail appointment at Nail Show, in Manhattan, the five star nail salon. For a fill in and pedicure? I need you to make another reservation at The Langham, I want the penthouse room and a dinner reservation for 6:00 p.m. If you fail to do any of this by 12 this afternoon. I will fire you.

I look at the message dumbfounded. Who the heck is this? I assume it's the wrong number and put my phone down to finish feeding my son. Once he's is done he starts to fall back asleep. I bring him to his room and lay him down on the bed, he starts to stir so I lightly rock the crib and he drifts back off to sleep. I smile at him and turn on the lullaby cd and the monitor on. Walking quietly out of the room, I turn off the lights and walk back into my room. I decide to start cleaning my room up.

I'm in the middle of finishing up my bed when my phone dings. I walk over to it and see it was another text from the same unknown number.

Unknown: I suggest you answer your boss before I fire you immediately.

Clearly this person has no idea they are texting the wrong person. I decide to text back and clarify the misunderstanding.

Me: Hello, I believe you have the wrong number. I'm sorry for not answering right away but I was taking care of someone. I just want you to know that you are texting the wrong person.

Although I don't know of the person and they don't need to know my personal life. The phone dings almost immediately.

Unknown: This isn't a joke Iris, I will not hesitate to fire you on the spot if you do not set up the appointments that I have asked you to by 12:00 noon. And to make this clear for you.- Ajax.

I freeze. It is him. The asshole, the man who has been able to make my life a living hell these past few weeks. I don't know how to answer so I scroll through our messages and wrote down what he needed me to do. I send him a thumbs up emoji, turn my phone off, and toss it on the bed almost as if it electrocuted me. I stand there for about five minutes when I realize I've been standing there, wasting time, on my first task as a personal assistant. To my new asshole boss.

I rush over to my list and look it over quickly. I don't have any of the equipment that I need to become a personal assistant. What do you even need to become a personal assistant?

I look up tools to become a personal assistant on pinterest and get some ideas.

Looks like it's going to be a long day.

Task number one: reservation at Le Bernardin for Saturday December 17th at 7:00 p.m.


It is 11:56 and I just finished the list of things that Ajax gave me to do. I didn't think it would have taken that long to finish 5 tasks but when you are put on hold every time it takes a long time to get everything done. On top of that Hope was hungry so I had to work while breastfeeding. I also decided to forward all the appointments, times, and the conversations I had with each person, (summarized obviously) to Ajax's work email.

Once I finish all of that I finally muster up the courage to pick my phone up again.


Ajax: Very unprofessional to send your boss.


Ajax: I suggest you answer me before I actually do fire you.

As I'm reading the messages the phone dings again.

Ajax: Good work. See you Monday.

I smirk at the phone. HA! Asshole

Me: Thank you.

I don't receive anything else so I decided to put my phone down and clean up my mess.

Once I'm done I hear the baby monitor going off and I hear Hope start his babbling again. I walked over to her room, heading in I see he has a big smile on his face and he's is kicking his hands and feet. I look over in his crib and his smile widens. I can't help but laugh and how cute he is being and scoop him up. I give him a quick bath and change him into a black long sleeve onesie with "khaki" like pants and overalls with little cartoon animals on it. He looks so cute and I can't help but have way too much fun picking outfits for him. I look over at his wardrobe and see how little clothes he has in his closet. I decide today to take him shopping and get some new things for me and him. 

As I'm about to lay her back down and give him a toy to play with while I get ready I hear a knock on the door. I curiously walk over to it and open the door to see Rosa with food and coffee. I'm about to smile until I see the frown on her face. And then I see another man behind her.

Hanson is also standing behind her with a black eye and a busted lip.

I look between the both of them frozen.

I finally am able to react and the first thing that comes out is.

"Did you walk into a wall?" 


Short chapter! I just started school and a new job so I have had no time to write! Hope you guys like it!!

xo Angelica

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