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Unedited!! Enjoy Loves

We go out to his car after I reluctantly say goodbye to my baby. It's always a struggle to leave but I have no choice. I stop in my tracks and look at his Maserati!!! Damn! I don't say anything though and just got into the car.

On the way there, Hanson asked questions and I answered the ones I was comfortable with. Ones about me, my age, and so on I answered without a glance. Ones about my son not so much. I wasn't open to talk about him. He knows Hopes my son and that's already too much. With everything that has happened, I am very protective over him and I will do anything I can to keep him safe.

"Want to go out some time?"  I blinked out of my thoughts and looked over at Hanson.

I froze. "I um- what?"  I know what he said but I'm not ready for that. I mentioned my past but I don't like thinking about it, talking about it and being reminded of it.

"Like coffee something, I mean if we are coworkers I'd like to get to know you..... As a friend of course" He seemed hesitant. I guess he saw the way I reacted. I'm so stupid, why would I think a man like that would ask me out. I laughed at myself.

"Yes, that would be lovely. Just not 'The Coffee Grind' I just got fired from there" I giggled a little to lighten the mood.

"Oh that must be a story" He laughed.

"You have no idea."

After that we just sat in silence. Kind of awkward because I wasn't sure if I should say anything or not but he looked content so it's probably just my paranoia.

The car ride lasted about another ten minutes until we pulled into a parking garage. Not the ones in other parts of the city more like you need an entry code to get in, ID recognition, and thumbprint.

What kind of business is this?

"Am I going to have to do all that?" I asked shocked.

"Well no, I mean not now at least. I'm only able to park here because I co-manage in the department just below the CEO." He explains.

My eyes widen. He's a manager! "Wow." Was all I could manage to say.

He chuckles but doesn't say anything while pulling into a parking spot. We walk towards the entrance and I can't help but be amazed.

Walking in I hear my heels click as I walk along the marble floors. Shiny and new as if they were just put in yesterday. The room itself is just plain beautiful. Something out of a movie. I look to see fancy looking plant and flower decor all in the colors gray. How did they do that? The walls were covered in large black and white images of cars. Maseratis to be exact! All different models starting with the first of their brand.

"Is this a car company?" How am I going to get this job when I have no idea what kind of company I am working for.

Because you are working in the mail room.

"Yes! Hence the reason I drive that car" He chuckled. Makes sense.

We walk past the front desk where I see a beautiful women working. Long blonde hair, slim body with a dark red dress that fit like it was made for her. We had the same color red on and while she looks like a model I look like an overripe tomato. Just great.

"Good morning Bella." Hanson greats.

Of course that's her name. What kind of name is Iris anyway?

"Good morning, sir" She responds professionally yet doesn't even glance my way. Well hello to you too.

Hanson continues to walk until we reach an elevator. He doesn't tell me where we are going as we ride up to the seventh floor but I assume it is to take me to an interview? I look at all the number and my eyes widen when I see that this building has seventy floors. Seventy!

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