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It was the end of the day. My feet hurt like crazy, my legs were sore but as I finished the mail on the highest floor I couldn't help but smile. I have a job! I sigh in content as I finish up. This one was different than all the other floors because there is, from what I've seen, a mail room where I can easily distribute it in slots. But on this floor, I have to individually mail them to each office and this seems to be the biggest floor. This must be where the main employees work, like the CEO, and where Nixon and Hanson have their offices.

I had one last chunk of mail and it all belonged to the owner. Ajax. The very man that caused me to lose my job, but also the same guy that in some way got me this one. I just hope I never see him considering he doesn't seem to like me in the slightest.

I walk up to his very large office doors, yes plural because there are two, that are very big and almost a maroon color. To the side I see a mailbox. And it wasn't like the rest of them it looking like it was made of gold. Probably way. I light place my fingers on the top mailbox to open it, gently put the mail in and cautiously close it. When I'm done I step back quickly and release a sigh that it didn't break.

I turn and grab the mail cart and hurry my way off this floor. It is too expensive looking for my liking and I don't have enough money to pay for damage. I get to the elevator and walk in about to press the number floor I need to go to but just before I click it another body enters the space. I don't say anything especially with the knowledge that this floor has important people on it, I don't want to say something stupid.

"One" The voice commands. It sounds familiar but I don't acknowledge it. I don't think he's talking to me.

He sighs impatiently "I said floor one" He barks angrily.

So he was talking to me.

I mutter a soft apology and click the number one on the elevator seeing it light up and letting me know he will be taken to his destination.

My cheeks heat up in embarrassment and I let my hair cover my face.

As the elevator descends I peek through my long curly hair and see it is the one and only. Ajax. He is looking down at his phone a frustrated look on his face. I decide to lift my head and take a better look at him. He was hot. Plain and simple. Probably one of the most breathtaking males I have ever laid eyes on. His hair a little messy like he was running his hands through it all day. Broad shoulders that made it seem like he worked out. A lot his black suit fit him like a damn glove and you could see the muscle he's packing through the suite and as I looked to see his phone I noticed black markings on his wrist. Tattoos? Also hot. But he was also an asshole, which was a huge turn off. Not that anything would happen.

He mutters curse words under his breath yet continues to look on his phone. I glance at the numbers dropping on the elevator and see we have another twenty floors to go. I didn't press my floor number because I didn't want to risk him seeing me. He already got me fired from one job, imagine what he would do if he found out I was working for him.

Finally, the bell dings indicating that we are at his floor. And like when he walked in, he left without acknowledging me.

But of course luck wasn't on my side and my body decided in that moment that I needed to sneeze.

And I do.

Very loud.

He turns around when he hears it, just when the doors begin to close.

He looks at me and instantly remembers who I am. I can tell by the shocked look on his face. And I don't know what came over me but right before the doors closed I felt a smirk hit my face.

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