Aphrodite stumbled back in horror.

The figure punched Poseidon 's arm.

"I told you to stop swearing on Tartarus! It's not nice and I don't like it!" The shadow said.

Poseidon chuckled and nodded his head.

The figure turned to Hephaestus.

"Just divorce that witch. I know she she has children with Ares and you love someone else." The shadow said.

The whole room gasped and Hephaestus turned pink.

Aphrodite glared at her husband.

"How do you even know?! I can't feel his love to someone!" Aphrodite asked trying to sound the less iritated she can.

"Haha. Petty little love goddess. I am superior and I am honestly suprised to know you didn't see the love in his eyes as he look at that one person." The figure turned to Hephaestus " be glad I'm not telling who it is!"

The figure faced Poseidon and kissed him. When it pulled away the shadow looked at Hades.

"I got to go now. Don't worry Hades. They love you. Ha! They even threatened Eros for you. I won't even forget the face of pure shock and terror he made." The shadow turned back to Poseidon giving him one last kiss before dissapearing into thin air.

Hades ran to Poseidon and hugged him as he began to sob.

The sea god rubbed his older brothers back as he felt warm tears on his shoulder.

"I-i miss them water monster....." Hades sobbed.

"I know you do death clown...." Poseidon  whispered soothingly.

The gods were dumbfounded. When did they give each other those nicknames?

"Brothers. ...." Zeus began aproaching the two men " Is it really true that you didn't want this?"

Poseidon nodded at his brother.


The god of the underworld looked up at Zeus.

"I-it hurts to know people think I forced Persefone to love me when the Olympus council did!" The god broke down into harder sobs.

Zeus put a hand onto his eldest brothers shoulder.

"It's going to be OK.  Don't worry." Zeus turned to Hecate " Where is Percy? "

Hecate sighed.

"He's on a quest in my pet world. He's helping my great grandson gain the purity that left his heart when someone stole his son. " Hecate slumped into her chair, sadness written all over her face.

Poseidon ' s head snapped to the goddess.

"Let me see him right now!" Poseidon demanded.

Hecate nodded slightly.


Percy was utterly confused when he saw 3 gods and a goddess standing in his room.

Poseidon lunged at Percy and hugged him tightly.

"I miss so much my baby boy...." Poseidon whispered.

Percy smiled lightly knowing that his dad really did care.

The teenager hugged his dad back.

Nico was watching in awe. Tho he was jealous that his dad didn't care so much about him. It wasn't hard to miss since the boy had a sad smile placed on his face.

Hades looked at his son and tears formed on his eyes again.

Hades pulled his child into a warm and fuzzy embrace.

Nico widened his eyes and tears started to harshly prickle down his cheeks.

Hades and his son were crying together in a comfortable embrace.

Nico was crying because hus dad did care a bit about him and wasn't not giving two sh*ts about him. He actually cared.

Hades on the other hand was Scrayingham because he missed being like this with his son. He felt so empty all those years without Nico with him.

For Hades it was really bad to gain Nico back. Nix put evil yet false memorys of Hades saying such hurt full words to his son.

Hades really made sure she payed the price of messing with his son.


1150 words.

Hello. I finally wrote some more! Yay!.

I don't have anything to say right now tbh.

But if you want to ask something put a comment at the letter beneath this text.




A fruit of love. Percy JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now