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trigger warning; described death scene
long chapter ahead, 5,5k words❗


Minho was busy working in his coffee shop when Taejeon and Taehyung entered the small shop. "Minhooo!", Taejeon squeaked and speeded up with his wheelchair, stopping in front of the counter. "Hi Buddy!", the young man chuckled and came to the front, ruffling the small boy's hair. "How are you doing, huh?"
He completely ignored Taehyung's existence at this point. The boy stood there a little awkward, scratching his neck while he stared at Taejeon and the excitement on the kid's face when he got hugged by Minho and immediately got a chocolate cupcake from him. "I'm fine", Taejeon smiled but it was quite obvious that he got good at faking his smile. "How's your Dad?", Minho then asked slightly worried.

"Still asleep", Taejeon said quietly and stuffed his mouth with a cupcake, "Taehyung wants to apologize", he then said and pointed on Taehyung in the back.

"I really don't need his apologies", Minho shrugged, "I don't want people like him in my life, they're toxic and dangerous. Neither should you have people like this in your life."

Taejeon rolled his eyes and then waved Taehyung over to him. "He's fine, he just loves my Dad."
"And his love for him brought the boy to the hospital and you into a wheelchair, just saying", Minho hummed, turning away once Taehyung stopped in front of him. "Yeah", Taejeon nodded, "He did but things happen and there's not much we can do about it except move on and-, ugh I don't know, I'm not taking his side." Taejeon sighed, "I wish he'd be gone too but oh well."

That hurt.
Taehyung gulped dryly and nodded, "I honestly just want to say that I'm sorry and that I shouldn't have freaked out like this the other night. You can be friends with Jungkook, I don't mind, I just want him to wake up."

"So you don't have to live with the burden you're feeling right now, right?", Minho chuckled. "Must suck to be the reason for your boyfriend's death, you don't want that to feel for the rest of your goddamn life, hm?"
Taehyung nodded slowly, "I want him to wake up because if he doesn't, there's nothing left for me. Believe it or not but I've loved him all my life."

"Loved", Minho repeated, "But do you still do or are you just used to loving him? There's a difference between loving someone and being in love with someone."
Taehyung sighed, "I love Jungkook and I'm in love with Jungkook", he said slowly. "And if you think you can talk me out of it, good luck. We've been through so much shit, we can get through a little more, trust me."

"As far as I know you left him alone when he needed you the most."

Taehyung shook his head, "I ran after him that day but he had left already. He decided to move on without me and who am I to deny his wish?"
"Oh you're such a hero", Minho rolled his eyes, "Jungkook's so lucky to have you."

"I'm probably the worst thing that ever happened to him but I'm also pretty sure he doesn't see it that way", Taehyung hummed quietly, glancing to the floor. "Well, I don't need us to be friends or anything, I just wanted to say sorry because I did a bad thing and it's better to apologize than to leave it unfinished."
Taejeon nodded, eyeing Minho for a while, "At least he's trying. More than you ever did", he grumbled. Minho only gave him a pissed glance and then stepped back behind the counter, "Don't bring it up."

"What are you talking about?", Taehyung asked silently.

"Nothing", Taejeon said quickly, not pushing it further.

But Minho didn't agree on that, so he gave Taehyung a smile, "Y'know, back then when Jungkook and I had this thing going on, we went on dates and shit, had sex and all that cute shit but your boyfriend was still in love with you so I told him I want to be friends. He asked if we could try, y'know, he said maybe with time he will stop loving you. He told me he wants to move on, but I didn't want to be a second choice. So we stopped being more than friends."

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