Chapter 10-Herded Like a Sheep

Start from the beginning

"Something's not right..." she thought.

Xiu Xiang could see a clearing up ahead. There was a dangerous roar the closer she got to the clearing. She burst out of the forest and into the clearing only to come to a shortstop.

Dead end.

In front of her was a cliff with a drop that was a hundred times higher than the first cliff that she had fallen from. What was worse than the dark abyss at the bottom, was the strange-looking gusts of wind. Her foot knocked a few pebbles off the cliff and the moment those pebbles met with the wind, it was sliced into dust.

Bottomless dark abyss...

Wind gusts that could slice anything to bits...

Xiu Xiang recognized the location just from its description.

"This is the Cliff of Abyss?!" Xiu Xiang cried.

This was the place where the original Demoness had caught Wang Yue and Song Yi Yan together. It was also the place where she was thrown off and eventually turning into the Demoness.

The storyline had veered off track a little but here she was, steered back onto the pathway of the demoness.

She looked at the bottomless pit of the cliff. One drop and you're a goner. Even if she had a sword to fly on, the draft was too strong to fly through. She had led herself straight to the turning point in the novel earlier than she had expected. No matter what Xiu Xiang did, she was going to end up as the Demoness.

"You're finally cornered," she heard a sharp voice say from behind her.

Xiu Xiang whipped around to see her teammates staring back at her. She finally understood why they never caught up to her. It wasn't because she was too fast, it was because they had purposely led her there. Like a sheep, she had been herded straight for the slaughterhouse.

"Make your choice, waste. Jump off yourself or we force you to jump off," Ren Wu Ji threatened.

"Why are you doing this?" Xiu Xiang cried.

"Why?" Wang Yue smirked as he took a step forward with his arrow notched on his bow. "Simple. I'd rather you die before me."

"What kind of reason is that?!" she retorted.

Wang Yue laughed as he pulled the string taut.

"Don't blame us. You only have yourself to blame, you cursed sow," he seethed.

Xiu Xiang peeked over her shoulder.

Can she really survive this fall? Wouldn't she be sliced to bits before she even makes it to the bottom?

She gulped and then turned back to her teammates. She laughed nervously as she tried to reason with them.

"Look, why don't we be civil about this, huh? You guys don't have to kill me. I'll disappear off this mountain and you'll never have to see me again," she suggested.

Ren Wu Ji grinned as he too aimed his arrow at her.

"Of course. You'll definitely disappear off this mountain and we'll never see you again," he repeated.

Xiu Xiang didn't like the sound of that. They were drawer closer toward her and she had no choice but to step back closer and closer towards the edge of the cliff.

"Listen! If I fall off this cliff, I swear I'll come back and haunt all of you!" she warned with her arms outstretched toward them.

"Haha! I rather deal with a ghost than someone who's alive," Wang Yue said.

Song Yi Yan, who stood behind him, smirked at her in triumph.

That confident look pissed Xiu Xiang off. She turned her attention to Liu Li. She was the only one who didn't have her bow drawn.

"Liu Li! We have no hatred for each other. Help me!" Xiu Xiang cried.

Liu Li simply stared back at her. There was a hint of pity but she did nothing to help.

"I'll give you to the count of three to jump off the Cliff of Abyss," Wang Yue threatened.

"You'll all regret this," Xiu Xiang said through gritted teeth as she imprinted every single one of their faces into her mind.

"The only thing I'll regret was not doing this sooner," Wang Yue said. "Three!"

Three arrows came flying at her. Her first instinct was to turn around and run, which was exactly what she did.

She raced for the edge of the cliff and threw herself off.

If it really was her fate to become the Demoness then so be it!

Continuous sharp pain after sharp pain.

It was as if someone was hacking away at her with a small blade, over and over. She could only scream out in agony as she fell while her entire body was being cut to pieces. The stench of iron filled her nose as her own blood splashed all around her. The sharp wind didn't let up once and she kept falling.


Falling further.

She felt sick to her stomach as her body thrashed about like a lifeless doll.

"No more," she pleaded in her mind. Everything went dark and her back slammed first to the hard ground.


If her surrounding had lit up, Xiu Xiang was sure she would've gone blind from the impact. All the air in her lungs sucked out as she gasped for air only to cough out blood madly.

She was dead, wasn't she?

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