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as they finished eating, changkyun brought the bowls, the pot and the rest of the cutlery back into the small kitchen, dropping it into the sink. kihyun wanted to help him, but the younger forced him to stay seated. he was worried about the older's injury.

"hyung, here. wait up!" changkyun said, as he walked over to his suitcase, taking out a smaller bag, in which all the medicine, the stuff to treat wounds and the first aid kits were packed.

"give me your hand." the younger demanded.

"changkyun, please. it's not that bad, alright? you can just leave it." kihyun refused.

"hyung. give. me. your. hand. now." he kept on going and when kihyun finallt gave in, changkyun slowly removed the kitchen towel from his hand. the spot where his finger was wrapped in, was hard to remove, since the dried blood stuck onto the towel. he carefully removed it, only to have kihyun hiss in pain.

"oh my god! kihyun- hyung, i'm so sorry! i'll be more careful!"

"no, no, it's okay, kyun. that's not your fault, silly." kihyun tried his best to smile at the younger boy, reassuring him. and after that, changkyun took some clean tissue wet it with some water and carefully cleaned the wound.

"that's going to burn, hyung. i mean like shit. you can grab my arm as hard as you need to, to endure it." when changkyun sprayed some of the disinfectant onto the cut, kihyun's grip tightened around the maknae's thin wrists, who just smiled deeply in kihyun's eyes to show him that it was okay. he slowly wiped off the leftover disinfectant on the older's finger, carefully bandaging the cut afterwards and putting a bandaid on top of it, so that it would stay tight.

"here ya' go." changkyun smiled at him cutely.

"thanks, kyunnie." kihyun did the same. like that, they stayed some minutes longer just talking, finishing their drinks as well before they decided to head to sleep. it was about 2:30 am at that time. changkyun's throat kept on hurting, his headache didn't go away yet and his voice was still a bit hoarse. to sum up, you could say that kihyun's soup helped him a lot to feel better, though it didn't make the pain go away.

"hey, kyun? how are you feeling? did the soup help a bit?"

"well yeah, the soup helped a lot, hyung. i feel a lot better, but my head still hurts."

"for that..." kihyun stood up, grabbing one of the white bags and bringing it back to the table. "i got this for you." the older showed changkyun what he had bought in the pharmacy earlier. the painkillers, some medicine for his throat and some coughing drops. changkyun smiled at that.

"thanks. i really appreciate it, but you really went out again, only to buy these for me?" changkyun asked.

"yes. i'd do anything for you, kyun. i hope all of this helps you to feel better. at least a bit."

"i'm sure it will ki, thank you."


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