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while kihyun was walking, he thought about what he should buy in the pharmacy and if he should bring some food for changkyun and himself too. the others already ate earlier, but he didn't and neither did changkyun and kihyun was not sure if the room service would still take orders in nighttime. for now, he had to think about what to buy first and make sure he wouldn't forget anything. he arrived at the pharmacy exactly at 11:50 pm, so he hurried in choosing the products.

"strong painkillers, some medicine for his throat and some coughing drops" he whispered to himself, searching the shelves and taking the products.

"hello. here, that would be everything." he said, after putting the things down on the counter, paying and heading back home again. passing by some gas station, next to a grocery store, open 24/7, he entered and bought the ingredients to prepare one of his best soups. he learned it from his mother, who had always prepared this one specific soup, whenever kihyun was sick. it helped him immediately to get better, so he hoped it would do the same with changkyun. after buying that, he headed back to their hotel and arrived around 12:27 am. there, he entered the elevator and got off on the second floor. first, he quietly unlocked the door to his and hyungwon's room assuming that his roommate would already be asleep and indeed, he was greeted with hyungwon sleeping soundly in his bed. he looked around first, but there was no sign of hoseok anymore. then he put down the bags, took some comfortable clothes out of his suitcase and changed into them in their bathroom. finished, kihyun just left his worn clothes on the floor. it was quite unusual for him, since he kept on nagging the others for not cleaning up their stuff, but it was changkyun it was all for, so he didn't care about making a mess either. then he took the bags again, left the room and silently unlocked the room of the youngest with the keys he took from before. after entering, his eyes needed a while until they got used to the darkness and he could recognize the shapes of the room, the table, the closet, the little kitchen area (since it was a one-person room) and the bed, in which changkyun was still sound asleep.

"thank god." kihyun whispered to himself after he realized that the youngest was still sleeping. he needed that rest and the older was more than glad that he finally got it. kihyun then slowly walked towards the dining area to prepare the soup he wanted to make for the both of them. he turned on the cute light over the oven, as he started cutting all the vegetables and cooking the soup. but while cutting one of the carrots, he was sunken in his thoughts.

"ah!" was all he could whisper-yell, quickly realizing that changkyun was still asleep and he didn't want to wake him up.

"ah!" was all he could whisper-yell, quickly realizing that changkyun was still asleep and he didn't want to wake him up

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