Breaking are skills out.

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3rd person POV

The two teams ran at each other.

Kuroko teleported to Awaki and began to battle her as she teleported around her and attack her, Awaki teleported objects at her to try and hit her.

Awaki managed to teleport a mailbox near her that hit Kuroko.

Awaki thought she had the advantage, until Kuroko teleported behind her and teleported both of them some where else.

Misaka went after Mental out but she started to control people to attack her.

Misaka not wanting to harm civilians started to dodge the controlled people.

Mental out started to head to a nearby mall as Misaka fallowed.

Accelerator flipped the switch on his choker as his crutch retracted in to a brace around his arm.

He then tapped his foot and caused a tornado to go twords Kakine.

Kakine used his wings to block the attack.

Accelerator proceeded to mock his wings as the two of them flew off further down the street.

Touma and Fimma were left there to face each other.

Touma attempts to get close but Fimma cept him at a distance by firing several blast at him.

Touma managed to use his deflection technique that he accidentally came up with to knock his attacks away from himself.

Touma:(Mind) i hope the others can beat there opponents.

Misaka POV

I ran after Mental out.

She had entered a mall and I followed.

Once in I see everyone in the mall looking at me.

Misaka: Will you stop with the creepy stares!? It's getting old!

I run through the crowd and try to avoid them as best as I can.

Misaka:(mind) Where exactly is she?

All the people: You can run from me all you want but I will beat you.

Misaka: Running from you? No. I'm running twords you.

All the people: ?

I use my semblances to fry all the lights, making it really hard to see.

All the people: How is this going to help yo-.

Mental out:(in the distance) Aaaaaahhhhh!

(Crash, shatter, crushed)

I knew she would be trying to get as far from me as possible so I turned off the lights to make it difficult.

But apparently she tripped and pushed over some kinda of drink stand or something.

I use my semblances to turn on the lights again and go where I heard her scream.

Once I get there I see her on the ground next to a pushed over stand.

She gets up and tried to run away as I give chase. But she only runs a few feet before she gets to tired and stop's.

Misaka: Seriously? You ran like 10 feet, and you look like you ran a merathon.

Mental out:(heavily breathing) Shut up! It's hard to run with big boobs for very long. But you wouldn't understand stand that, missis flat chest.

Misaka:(angry) Tch! What did you call me, you blond bimbo!!

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