Hybrids Will Rule

Começar do início

-eyesight is cloudy for most

-severe allergy to silver


-hair color and eyes of human side depend on the wolf side

-usually live with a pack

-very tan



-can move at speed of light

-very strong

-mind control

-mind reading


-able to fly

-can shift into a bat, wolf, and mist

-can bend blood

-become stronger, faster, and enhanced senses when drinking blood

-can live from about 10,000 years to 20,000 years, very few are immortal

-increased senses(hearing, sight, smell, taste, and touch)

-fast healing

-night vision


-severe allergy to garlic

-gets severe infections even by the slightest prick of a splinter

-short temper


-pale skin

-blue, green, gray, or red eyes

-dark hair

-tall, or medium height

-usually live in a coven



-ability to use magic and potions

-can communicate with animals

-can have familiars (strong connection to an animal)

-can communicate with the dead

-can see the future in the form of visions or dreams

-when touching another being, they can see what they most desire

-fast healing


-a bite from any type of magical creature can send them into a coma like state

-if not educated with art of magic, they may possibly become a human over time


-dull to bright purple eyes

-usually live in a coven

-long, slender fingers

-small feet

-purple shaded hair streaks with black, blonde, or strawberry blonde hair



-has butterfly like wings that can be hidden underneath skin

-fast runner

-able to communicate telepathically with others of the same society

-have the ability to make magical tools and weapons to have certain properties

Hybrids Will RuleOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora