Chapter 8~ A plunge into the Sea Below

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"Hey Boss, where to first?" Blackjack asked.

"Blackjack, please just call me Ailouros or Allycat. As to where to first, We are going to Tokyo to find Apollos car. Think you can get us there?" I responded.

"Of course kitty. I can get us there cat. I don't know about Guido, he may need a few breaks."

"Well depending on how fast you get us to Japan will determine the size of the treat I get you guys. We can stop after we get across the ocean. You do know how to shorten the trip right?" I asked.

"How?" Blackjack asked interested.

"Fly as high as you can into the atmosphere with Amaterasu and I still able to breathe. It should shorten our trip."

The two pegasi flew up high enough that we could still breathe. I looked at Amaterasu who was still breathing quite easily even though it was a bit more of an effort for me. Amaterasu was singing softly, "You are my Sunshine. My only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are grey.."

Suddenly Apollo appeared behind his daughter. He nearly scared her to death with his sudden Haiku.


Hello, I am Apollo.

That's my baby girl."

'The air up here is so light.' My thoughts told me. "I know the air is light," I growled to myself.

Blackjack was the only one who heard me so he had to ask, "Kitty who are you talking to?"

"Noone Blackjack." A strong gust of wind pushed us from behind and I lost my grip on Blackjack causing me to freefall. I looked over to Amaterasu who was also falling. Apollo was trying, and failing to help her. "Blackjack, go help Amaterasu! Don't worry about me!" I yelled to him. Reluctantly he did as I ordered and dove for Amaterasu who was falling slower than me. I positioned myself into a vertical diving position so my toes would be the first to go into the water racing up from below.

As I neared the choppy surface of the water I glanced up to see Blackjack attempting to take a steep dive to reach me with Amaterasu clinging to his back.

When I hit the water, I was surprised to find that I didn't feel wet. I opened my mouth in surprise and quickly closed it swallowing the water that should have filled my mouth and coughed on the air that was there. It took a moment to realize that I was breathing under the water. I began to paddle up to the surface. When I wished to go faster I did. I could feel the currents pushing me up to the surface. Blackjack was searching the waves looking for me.

"Blackjack, over here," I called as I lifted myself almost on top of the water. I could tell that Blackjack was getting tired so when he picked me up we headed to the nearest island. I told the two pegasi to rest and stood on the beach. The salty air was sweet and refreshing.

I was unusually calm so I didn't notice Amaterasu and Apollo walk over beside me.

I pulled out the list and looked at it. We only had to find Zeus's master bolt, Poseidon's Trident, Hades Helm, Hermes Caduceus, Hephestes Hammer, Apollos car, and Artemis Bow. Seven items, three weeks, and we only knew the general location of one of the items. I knew that we were still a long way from the mainland. To my surprise, we were already about halfway there. I told myself that when we got to the mainland I would find the two pegasi some doughnuts. Perhaps we would be able to find some that were gluten-free. Then the problem hit me. We didn't have any money with us to buy with, only a few coins to contact the camp.

I informed the group that we would be stopping here for the night to let the pegasi rest.


I had the wood ready to light when I realized we had no matches. The day had been too long already I grabbed two random stones hoping they would work. I struck them together trying to get a spark to light the fire with. I tried at least ten times to get the dumb thing to make a spark. "This always works in the movies," I grumbled tossing the rocks to the side. I grabbed a piece of bark and a stick. I started rubbing the stick as fast as I could to try and start the fire that way. With enough time, I was able to start the fire and get it going decently.

Once the fire was going Amaterasu brought over a fat rabbit for us to have for dinner. She put it on a spit and started roasting it for dinner. "Allycat is everything okay? You haven't said a single word since we got onto the island." Her tone was full of worry.

"Its just been a long day, that's all. So where did Apollo go?" I asked changing the subject from myself. I was exhausted. Holding myself mainly above the water had taken a lot out of me.

"Zeus called a meeting that he has to go to, thankfully. He said he will help us find his car until we get to the boundary. Allycat you need to get some sleep. That thing you did in the water sapped your strength, didn't it." Amaterasu replied then stated.

Too tired to argue, I nodded. "So what did your dad want?"

"He was quite impressed with what you did with the water. I think he could tell it would wear you out." Amaterasu handed me part of the rabbit and we ate.

A bright flash appeared to my right and Apollo stepped forward. "Ailouros you should be asleep. What you did would be difficult on any demigod or mortal." Apollo scolded gently.

"So what was your meeting about?" I changed the subject again.

"Zeus gave me permission to come with you girls. Your dad tried his hardest to be allowed to come too. He has an adorable way of doing a cute baby animal pouty face. How Zeus could resist, I don't know. Now Ailouros, go to sleep." Apollo replied sincerely concerned.

Too tired to argue I closed my heavy eyelids and passed out.


Shadow watched from the side as Ailouros fell asleep. Curious she listened to Amaterasu and Apollo's discussion.

"Dad, do you think mom is okay. She wasn't doing that well when I had to leave for camp. She's there alone." Amaterasu whispered softly. 

"I'm sorry Amaterasu but your mother has passed on. She wasn't going to get any better. Lucy died fighting. I knew she was a fighter since the day I met her. Just like Ailouros. Your friend isn't doing much better than your mother was, but she is stubborn like her parents. Let her rest while riding on Blackjack. He won't let Percy down. When she stood on the water she hadn't felt the effect because she was still touching the water. Ailouros doesn't know how powerful she is. She is actually more powerful than her brother and neither of them can know quite yet because that will make her chances of survival even shorter."

"So what's the fastest way to get Allycat feeling better? Is she not talking so much because of how tired she is?" Amaterasu asked.

"Partly. It is mainly because she doesn't really like heights. Tree heights are fine but the height a plane flies at is out of the question." Apollo replied.

"Then why could she ride so high on Blackjack without showing any fear?"

"She kept her mind on other things. You should get some sleep. Shadow and I will keep guard for you." Apollo urged gently.

Shadow pricked her ears at the sound of her name. She padded over to her adoptive mother and sat to keep watch. Shadow was well prepared to risk her own life for the safety of her beloved person, demigod, cat, whatever she called herself. 

Ailouros Tales book 1: Lost RelicsWhere stories live. Discover now