Chapter 1~My Introduction

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The long Wednesday had been terrible. I was glad that it was finally time for bed. My name is Ailouros. My name comes from ancient Greek and from what I have been able to find it means Cat. I don't know who my real parents are as they both died when I was little. My first adopted mom.. I'll tell you what happened later... My new step-parents adopted me in the middle of winter about two years back and only seem to want me so they have someone to do the housework. I'll be 11 tomorrow.

Anyways today at school the weirdest thing happened, It was a few things actually. First, my first-hour teacher Mr. D remembered my name, he always said it wrong in the past. Then to ruin my day David Peterson, the school bully, started stalking me. I fear he may like me though I really don't return his affection.  After school, he offered to walk me home which made me uneasy so I kindly told him no. Not liking my answer, his friend Rowlan Stone started swinging punches at me.  After a swift, painful, kick to the stomach they left laughing. When they were gone I struggled up and started walking home.

When I arrived my stepmom yelled at me to go wash up and not be late from school again.
After a bowl of cold soup, I came and crawled into bed. I'm not very excited about tomorrow but at the same time, I am.  I wonder if Mr. D, my history teacher, will remember my name again.
I woke to a scratching noise at my room door. My closed door. I never close it. Opening it I see my kitten Shadow sitting there looking up at me with her bright blue eyes. With the door open again I crawl back in bed followed by the small cat who curls up contentedly in my arms.
Tiredly I turn off my alarm and get ready for school. On my way to first hour, I mentally sing Happy Birthday to myself. 
For first hour Mr. D had us watch a cool movie about Greek Mythology and kept telling me to pay close attention to it.
In second hour, wonderfully torturous, math with Mrs. Blackwell. She kept her sharp mustard eyes on me. I swear she licked her lips a few times.
Other than those two events nothing really happened until lunch.
At lunch, David and Rowlan came and sat by me, one on each side.
"Ailouros why don't you come with us! You know that Mrs. Blackwell wants to see you in her room, "David was saying when Mr. D strolled over.
"Why don't you two kids go off and do whatever it is you do these days. I need to talk to Amber," he said. He waited till they had left before continuing, "Go see Mrs. Blackwell and keep that movie from class sharp in your mind."
Nodding politely I sprinted off in the direction of Mrs. Blackwell's room. She was alone in the room when I entered. Sensing danger I heightened my senses and noticed that the room had a rather unpleasant musky scent to it.
Turning around Mrs. Blackwell said, "Ailouros I take it my boys told you I wanted to see you." Her voice was soft and had a slight hiss to it.
Instinctively I leaped back and was immediately glad I had done so as the desk I was behind was suddenly smashed to splinters. With a hiss in fear, I darted towards the exit only to find Rowlan and David blocking the path to freedom. Realization slapped me in the face as it hit me that I was now trapped. Looking around quickly I familiarized myself with my surroundings. On the far side of the room was a window. The room was large so I would have to be quick. I knew that my chances of getting out alive were short. I dropped to all fours like a cat and slowly slunk towards the window.
"Where are you, child. You won't be making it to that treacherous Camp Half-Blood. Master wanted me to make sure of that," Mrs. Blackwell snarled. Between the desks, I saw her baring lion-like fangs and her whole body changed. It took me a moment to realize that Mrs. Blackwell had changed to the mythical Chimera.
At the window, I saw Rowlan standing guard with his Auburn hair in spikes. With him momentarily distracted I leaped at him and pushed him through the window with me. We fell out the window and down towards the earth below.

Hope you enjoy it.  Don't be too critical of my writing as I wrote it when I was 11.

Ailouros Tales book 1: Lost RelicsWhere stories live. Discover now