Chapter 2~I meet Goat Boy (He gets mad at me)

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When I hit the ground I land hard on my hands and feet. Pain shots up my left arm making me wince. Risking a glance up at the window to see the chimeras front paws emerge. Hurriedly I stand holding my arm as it throbs and begin to run. I instinctively head towards home. There was no way I was going to leave Shadow. Especially since I raised her from a young abandoned kitten barely two months old if that.
I arrived at the house and opened my window from the outside, something I have done countless times though not with one hand. "Shadow. Shadow come on we are leaving!" I whisper as I climb into my room.
Shadow sat up on my bed and stretched before looking at me. "Food and extra clothing Ailouros. We dont want you getting into any more trouble. Oh and grab that fish stuff in the can. It's really good." She mowed quietly with a soft purr.
My head was pounding from the adrenaline but I grabbed a bag to put the food in. I included some cans of tuna fish for Shadow. Back in my room I grabbed two pairs of clothes and shoved them in my bag. From under my bed I grabbed a few water bottles to add to the pack. Looking around my barren room I spotted my book. "How to survive as a Demigod and where to go for survival" by.. The author wasn't available which was odd. With the chimera attack I figured I ought to keep it with me. I also grabbed some sturdy rope.
Hearing a knock on the front door I froze and listened to hear the sound of Mrs. Blackwell saying, "You must be Ailouros's mother."
"What! I'm only the adopted mother of that pesky brat." My step mom snarled.
"Yes, she is quite the little brat indeed. I came to tell her to never let me find her again or she'll not be going to that school any longer." Mrs. Blackwell's voice was low.
Silence followed the warning. I grabbed my coat and a warm blanket and slipped back out my window. Glancing behind me I saw that Shadow was following me with her ears back and eyes wide. Giving her a nod I let her hop onto the backpack where she slipped under the flap. While she got situated I glanced through the book before heading off away from people and I thought, away from monsters. I couldn't have been farther from the truth.
I decided to stop about an hour after it got dark. Climbing a nice tall tree, I made a hammock out of the blanket and rope high in the branches. Though my arm kept throbbing increasingly the more I used it, I did my best to ignore the pain as I didnt have any other options.

At dawn Shadow woke me. We had a quick breakfast before continuing our journey.
By noon I had made it to the next small town. I didnt bother stopping, but opted upon continuing my journey.
Eventually we reached the edge of town and the next forest. The forest had plenty of trees for me to climb. I found a large tree and about halfway up found a hollowed out section to stay the night in.

We kept traveling for several days with no signs of a river or other bodies of water. When we reached a lake I figured it would be a good place to get some rest for a few days. My Hope's of a safe place to momentarily rest were stolen from me as I saw a chimera emerge from the forest.
It looked me over and seemed to think of me as easy prey as it charged me.
I probably did the stupidest thing of all mankind when I charged at the manticore. At the moment before we would have collided I leapt to the side and kept running. I could hear a river and could feel it urging me towards it.
I began to run at an angle towards the water. Despite the cold wintery spring weather the water was refreshing and energizing when I slipped from the bank into the cold water. I continued running in the shallow water for quite a while before I let myself stop so we could hurry and eat something. When we continued on our way I could feel the currents in the deeper water beside me. I let myself run with them feeling free.
I dont know how long I had been running when I suddenly, and literally, ran into another creature from the greek myths.
My eyes widened as I saw the half man half goat in an orange shirt. I got up and started to race up the shallow bank as the satyr spoke behind me. "Hey, you Demigod! Who is your parent?"
By the time he finished asking I was up in the tree clinging to a branch that was probably a little to small for my small weight. I layed on the branch like a cat and stared down at him my green eyes narrowed in suspicion. The black haired satyr kept staring up at me with his brown eyes.
"Why would I tell you Goat Boy?" I hollered down at him.
His eyes darkened hateful before he charged with an angered bleat and hit the tree with his head.
At the impact my grip slipped a little so I held on tighter with fear. The pain in my left arm worsened as the tree shook from another impact. I had no idea sayers were so strong.
With another crashing shake my left arm slipped off. The sudden extra weight was to much for me to hold with just one hand especially with my backpack. I once again began to fall to the hard rocky ground.

I know these chapters are short. They do get a little longer and then are more consistant as to the length. I'll post a few chapters and if people enjoy it I'll keep posting it.

Ailouros Tales book 1: Lost RelicsWhere stories live. Discover now