Chapter 6- Percy Interogates Dad

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Percy looked at me in confusion before asking, "Ailouros who is your mother?"
Weakly I managed to whisper a simple, "I never got the chance to know her." Talking hurt almost as much as moving.
The god Apollo spoke, "Percy Jackson. Meet my daughter Amaterasu who is named after the Japanese sun goddess." When he looked at me his eyes filled with pity and sorrow.
"Nico, let me stand on my own. I'll be fine." I told him. He set me down but didnt completely let me hold all my weight. He started to slowly let me hold myself up until I fell to my knees. This time it was Percy who helped me up and cradled me in his arms. I was to exhausted to protest any more.
I was to tired to really notice Percy set me in the river. I did feel the energy the water gave me as it cooled the raging pain inside. When Percy picked me up again I was still tired enough to fall asleep in his arms.
I woke up in a cold room. The bed beneath me was comfortable. In the background I could hear the soft sound of water and voices. Glancing towards the water I could see Percy talking a man with a Hawaiian print shirt. Curious I began to listen.
"You said my mother was a queen!" Percy practically shouted.
"She is a queen Percy."
"Then who is Her mother, dad?!" Percy was mad. Mad at dad, me, and my mother.
"I dont know Percy. I haven't had a child since you. There was this one crazy lady Lilly Ocean who claimed to have found my daughter. She kept saying it until Zeus cast a lightning bolt at the child. I've not heard of either of them since. From what I know this Ailouros girl, who was somehow claimed by me without my doing, never had much of a life. Shes kept herself isolated and alone. Shes almost like a feral cat." Poseidon said looking frustrated.
I flinched at the memory of Lilly Ocean throwing herself between myself and the lightning bolt to save me.
"So where did she come from?" Percy demanded.
"I wish I could tell you Percy but I dont even know." Poseidon replied with a sigh.
"So what do you think of her?" Percy was still annoyed.
"I think she could be good for you. At least you can show her what a family is supposed to be like. Before coming to camp she had no friends except that cat of hers. From what I have gathered Bast, one of those Egyptian gods gave her the ability to speak to and turn into different kinds of cats. I have to go before thunderpants finds me talking for to long. Take care of the girl. Well figure out what's going on though itll take time." Was Poseidons response.
Percy sighed, "Okay bye dad." He turned and saw me looking at him curiously. He walked over and sat by the bed.
"How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine.. so was that Dad?" I asked to change the subject.
Percy went a little on the defensive. "How much did you hear?"
"Well... you were upset and asked him about my mother.. he explained some of my history. You asked him what he thought of me. He told you to teach me about being a family. He glimpsed me then made an excuse to go.." I summarized what I had heard.
"So you basically heard it all." He sighed.
"Percy," I hesitated and he looked me in the eyes making me nervous, "w-what do you think of me?" I stammered slightly.
"You remind me of myself only I was never so curious. I'm not sure how it happened but I'm glad you are my sibling. Itll make this place seem a little more like home. When Christmas comes around do you want to come with me and meet my mom? Let's see if you have the same water powers as I do! If you want to.." at the last bit he looked a little embarrassed.
Would Shadow be able to come too?" I asked.
Percy smiled softly, "How about you met my mom through Iris message? You can ask her about bringing Shadow."
A little anxious I nodded standing up. I was surprised that I felt okay and not half dead. Looking around the cabin I saw a separate room where there was a bunk bed. The top bunk was a little messy as though it were hastily made. My bed is closer to the little fountian. While Percy went to start the call I made my bed.
I jumped as he started talking behind me. "Hi, mom. Just checking in and letting you know about something that happened at camp."
"Percy! Are you okay? Did something happen to you or Annabeth? What happened at camp? You look okay." A woman began to fret.
"Did you know a girl called Lilly Ocean?" Percy asked her.
"Yes. That girl caused quite the commotion claiming to have found Poseidon's daughter when you were younger. She nearly gave you away with how often she kept coming and drawing attention to us. Why do you ask?" She sounded annoyed and suspicious.
"She had a daughter," percy started to reply but was cut off.
"She kept going on and on and on about this child who was supposedly a child of Poseidon from another time. She claimed the child was from the midlevel days! She caused such a commotion Poseidon couldnt visit you and Zeus became suspicious. I was glad when Zeus had enough with her constant need for attention that he took care of her is all your father would tell me." Her voice had risen and darkened in anger.
I felt myself crouching lower and lower with each statement trying to hide as tears came threatening to burst.
"Mom. You aren't listening. She had a girl who is a child of Poseidon and is here at Camp." Percy snapped at his mom seeing me trembling.
"What!?" Percy's mom squeaked.
"The girl's name is Ailouros. She is my half-sister mom. She's really nice too." He said smiling at his mom.
She sighed, "fine let's get this over with." She said still looking annoyed. Percy was waving me over before he reached out to grab me by the arm to bring me out of hiding. I risked a glance at his mom. She was very beautiful. I looked away quickly at the hate-filled glare she gave me.
After an agonizingly long silence, Sally spoke, "you look similar to Lilly. How is she doing by the way?"
The tears sprang forth again And I couldn't keep all of them back. A few trickled down my cheeks as the memory of her jumping between me and the lightning bolt flashed through my mind again. I choked back a sob as I whispered my response. "She's dead.."
"What did you say? I couldn't hear you. You need to speak up." She said sternly.
I looked up and as loud as I could manage without breaking down I repeated myself. "She is dead. My mother is dead."
Sally's face paled slightly and her cold glare melted away into sadness. "I'm sorry about what I said about her.." the image started to fade. "Percy take care of her and bring her by the next time you vis-" she was cut off as the image faded completely.
I felt like hiding in a deep hole where no one would ever find me again.
"So Ailouros, will you tell me your story so far?" Percy asked gently leading me to sit by the fountain with him.

If you want more please let me know otherwise I might not continue to post it.. if even one person wants me to continue it I'll do so..

Ailouros Tales book 1: Lost RelicsWhere stories live. Discover now