Chapter 7~ My Story

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I sat down on my bed with a sigh and began my story. "When I was little my mom tried to get Poseidon's attention. She always told me that she would find my daddy. Other than that the main thing I remember is her throwing herself between a lightning bolt and myself yelling, 'No Zeus! Not Ailouros!' I was found crying beside her by an E.M.T. he picked me up and carried me away while his friends took my mom away. That was the last time I saw her. After that, I was taken to an Orphanage. They asked me for my name which I had learned was Ailouros before mom had died. I was adopted two years ago The orphanage had trouble keeping me in school. My adoptive parents treated me like crap and hated me. My cats were the first friends I ever had. I don't know what he meant by Egyptian gods or goddesses. But I can talk to cats so I don't know. Besides the cats, I only had one human friend"

Percy cut me off. "Let me guess, Pepper."

"Yes. She got mad at me when I wouldn't let her have Shadow, so she and her friends came after me. At school this year there was no satyr so I had to defend myself against a Chimera. I was lucky and escaped out the window. However, I hurt my arm when I landed on it. Then I headed home, grabbed some supplies, and took off. I didn't know where to go so I picked a direction and headed that way." I stopped and hissed in fear as lightning suddenly struck and we heard the crack of thunder.

Percy sat next to me and wrapped his arms comfortingly around me. "So how did you meet Bill, he was mad at you?" He asked to distract me.

"Well, I had run into him than up a tree. When I was a good way up the tree I looked down and knew he was a satyr. I yelled down 'Hi Goat Boy' and he got mad at me for it. He was mad enough to start headbutting the tree.

"Percy laughed and so did I until thunder boomed and a knock sounded on the door. Percy replied yelling for them to come in.

A soaked Annabeth and a drenched Amaterasu came in.

Percy looked at Annabeth and they had a silent conversation. Eventually, Percy spoke out loud saying, "Let's all go see Rachel. We all need to talk."


When we arrived at the white house everyone except Percy and I were drenched. Chiron opened the door to let us all inside.

Rachel was a girl of average height and had red hair. By red I mean RED. She looked at me and smiled.

Chiron spoke, "Ailouros, Amaterasu. There is a quest involving you. Will you accept the quest?"

After a few moments of thought, Amaterasu and I looked at each other in the eye before both saying, "Yes. We accept a quest."

Percy stood up, "Wait, what is going on. If my little sis is going on a quest then I am going with her."

"Sorry Percy, but we are going to need your help here. Yours too Annabeth." Chiron interrupted putting a hand up.

"Then send Grover with them!" Percy demanded.

"Who is Grover?" I asked curiously.

Percy looked at me. "Grover is the satyr who protected me on my first quest. I trust him with my life."

I shook my head. "Sorry Percy, but I'm not going with any satyr. I don't care if this Grover is different. I don't like them." I responded tiredly. It was the middle of the night, so of course, I was tired. I sat down and closed my eyes telling myself it was just for a little bit then I would be back up. Yeah... like that was going to happen.


As soon as my eyes closed I was out. I began to dream. In my dream, I saw a bunch of people not normal people either. I only recognized two. Poseidon, my father, and Apollo. So I figured the rest must be the other Greek Gods and Goddesses. They were all talking. It took me a while to realize that they were all arguing.

Ailouros Tales book 1: Lost RelicsWhere stories live. Discover now