When This Is Over \\ Janet

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"You ready for this?" I rested a hand hesitantly on Steve's shoulder.

He looked up, then smiled, and my heart fluttered slightly-- but that didn't stop my worry.

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asked.

"I mean, you did get shot last time," I offered, keeping my tone light.

He laughed. "That wasn't the first time, and I doubt it will be the last."

I snorted. "That's reassuring." I rubbed his shoulder gently. "You will try to be careful, won't you?"

"I'll try," he promised. "I... have to admit, I'm glad you're not fighting. Not that I won't be worried anyway, but... it helps."

I shook my head slightly. "I'm doing what Washington told me to do. It doesn't have anything to do with worrying or otherwise."

"I know." He smiled. "I'm still glad, though."

I pressed a kiss to the top of his head as he leaned over to finish tying his boots. "Good luck, Steve." I straightened, stepping away. "Come back safe, alright? I won't patch you up again if you come back with another bullet hole."

He laughed, looking up at me-- gosh, he really is cute when he does that --I cut off my thoughts as he spoke. "I'll do my best. And Janet?"

He stood suddenly, stepping around the bench he'd been sitting on and taking hold of my wrist, standing close to me. Our noses were nearly touching, and I could barely breathe for the fog in my head.

"You be careful, too, J. Alright?" He spoke softly, his breath fanning my face.

"Okay," I breathed, sound barely escaping my lips. "I will."

"Good." Steve hesitated a long moment before letting go of my arm and stepping away.

I couldn't bring myself to move until a deep drumbeat pierced the air. I jumped slightly, stirring from my confusion. "I need to go."

He nodded. "I'll see you soon, hopefully."

I shook my head. "Don't talk like that. I'll see you when this is over."

"Right." He smiled.

"Bye, Steve." I offered a quick smile before leaving, heading for the wagon of medical supplies where the medics --or what ragtag group made up the almost imaginary medics-- were supposed to meet.

- - -

A great boom echoed through the air. A few seconds later, there was a loud crack as a cannonball pushed through the tent frame towards the back left of the tent--only a few yards from where I was working.

I moved without thinking, pushing the soldier sitting there out of the way--faster, probably, than I should've been able to, but that's adrenaline for you.

"Are you alright?" I asked as the dirt settled.

"Yes, ma'am. Are you--oh."

"Yeah." I grimaced as I glanced at my leg. "It looks worse than it is, though. If you help me, I should be able to walk."

"Yes, ma'am," he repeated. The man  took hold of my arm and hauled me up.

I took stock of surroundings, taking a deep breath, thinking through the things that needed to be done. The other soldiers were recovering from the shock, but no one seemed hurt--or, at least, not more hurt than they were before. I breathed in, trying to focus, and to ignore the pain in my leg.

"Anyone who can walk, help the others," I instructed, "I can't help anyone if we stay here. If you aren't helping someone else, grab any supplies you can." Thankfully, no one questioned me.

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