True 7

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The first thing I became of when I woke was the gentle breeze on the back of my neck, followed by the weight on my waist. Rolling over carefully, I turned around in Kakashi's arms to face him. His face was peaceful as he slept, and I couldn't help but admire him.

To put it simply, it had been one hell of a night. And I didn't regret a moment of it. This wasn't some 'got drunk and messed up' moment. Just looking at him made me grin slightly, and I had to hold in a giggle as I remembered the activities of the previous night.

After admiring him silently for a bit, I sat up enough to look over him and see the clock pointed to half past eleven. We'd slept in far more than intended, but I wasn't going to disturb him. Carefully slipping out of his arms, I pulled on my underwear and shorts that had been discarded on the floor. I also got into one of his draws and fished out a t-shirt. It was plenty large on me, making it look like the only thing I was wearing, but I didn't care.

Quietly closing the door behind me, I went into the kitchen and started making coffees. I hummed quietly to myself as I made them, a slight blush on my face as I remembered everything from last night.

Once the coffees were made up, I picked them up to move them to the table, figuring I'd wake Kakashi up while they cooled. That...did not go to plan.

Suddenly, the door was thrown open, making me turn around quickly, my training putting me on edge. I had only managed to set down one of the mugs, and the coffee sloshed out of the other straight onto my arm as I turned around.

"Kakashi! I'm back in town!" a loud voice declared, belonging to a large, round man with white hair. In an instant, not clicking on what he had said, I leapt forward and aimed to punch him in the chest. He blocked, but I put more force in and shoved him back out the open door. I followed the punch with a roundhouse kick to the face, which sent him tumbling onto the ground.

"Who the hell are you, breaking in?" I asked, growling slightly, using  my abilities to create a kunai out of formless matter.

"Who are you, in Kakashi's apartment?!" he exclaimed, looking up at me.

"Hika?!" I heard Kakashi exclaim from inside, and join me in the doorway, only some sweatpants and his mask on.

"Hikari?" a different voice asked, making me look past the stranger. Asuma and Iruka were standing there, blinking in surprise.

"Are you okay?" Kakashi asked me quickly, looking at my arm. I blinked in surprise, not understanding what was going on, and looked at my arm.

"Oh...," was all I said as I looked at the developing burn. The adrenaline had kept me from noticing the pain. The fake kunai in my hand dissolved into thin air.

"Who is this woman Kakashi?" the stranger asked, standing up.

"Says you," I snapped at him.

"Hika, come back inside. You three as well," Kakashi said, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling on me gently. I took a deep breath and let him lead me inside. He took the mug out of my hand and walked me over to the sink.

"Run it under cold water, I'll be right back," he said softly. I nodded and turned the cold tap on. A hiss of pain escaped my lips as soon as I put my forearm under the faucet.

The other three men walked in, Iruka closing the door. "Will someone kindly explain what the hell is going on?" I said through gritted teeth, gritting my teeth.

"This is Jiraiya, one of the three sannin," Kakashi said as he walked back over to me with a first aid kit.

"Ahh, this is the lonely man who writes those books," I said, making Asuma stifle a laugh.

Identical Lies (A Naruto Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن