Lie 4

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The Genin stared at their Sensei. The fight with Zabuza, Kakashi's use of the Sharingan, all of it seemed to happen so quickly, and somehow they all survived the encounter, solely because of some mysterious masked hunter-nin.

And now, Kakashi had informed them that Zabuza was in fact alive.

"Before we start training, I want to know about what Zabuza said to you twins. How did he know you are Katanashi twins? Who is this blonde child he mentioned?" Kakashi asked the twins, who lowered their heads. Heavy silence filled the room as they waited for someone to speak.

"The Katanashi Clan used to be large, but over time, our numbers dropped. Our clan was hated, and hunted, out of fear of what we could do. By the time we were born, our father was the last member of our clan left alive," Miyu said softly.

"Most people believe our clan to be without any Kekkei Genkai, and they would be right, for the most part. Despite being such a large clan once, those with the Kekkei Genkai were rare. Everyone in the clan was guaranteed to be born with black hair and blue eyes, unless they had the Kekkei Genkai," Yumi said.

"How could one tell if they had it?" Sakura asked.

"The strength and capabilities of the Kekkei Genkai that one could use was obvious based on their features. If one had blonde hair, they could access the basic first level. If they had red eyes as well, they could access the second level also. If a female was to be born with both blonde hair and red eyes, they would be able to fully access the Kekkei Genkai, and these females were feared by other clans," Miyu explained, and Yumi took over.

"We were initially triplets. We were Miyu, Yumi, and Hikari. Hikari was born with blonde hair and red eyes, and us three girls were inseparable. She wore a black wig and blue contacts whenever she wasn't in the house to make her look identical to the two of us, and it worked. But one day...Mom and Dad were on a missions, and they never came back. We were waiting for them, when someone broke into our house. They knew that there was three of us, two with black hair and one with blonde, and they were out to kill Hikari."

"That was Zabuza?" Kakashi asked, and they both nodded.

"We lost our parents and our sister. With our home half destroyed, we had no choice but to come here. The Hokage took us in, gave us a home, food, clothes, everything we could ask for, and once we had adjusted, we started at the Academy," Miyu finished telling their story.

"I'm sorry," Sakura said softly, and hugged the two girls.

As they went outside to start some training in the forest, Kakashi was thinking about what the twins had just said. Was that what Yumi refused to tell him? No, they told that story far to easily. There was something else...

After a brief lesson on chakra - which everyone realised Naruto had never learned properly - training was to commence.

"What do we have to do?" Sakura asked when Kakashi told them they needed to train harder with it.

"Climb a tree," he said.

"Climb a tree?" the Genin questioned in almost perfect unison.

"Yes. But there's one rule, no hands," he said, causing four of them to frown. When Sakura questioned it, he demonstrated by walking up a tree horizontally.

"Hey hey hey!" Naruto started shouting.

"Yes Naruto?" Kakashi asked.

"That's the thing Yumi did during the bell test, dattebayo!" he yelled, pointing at said girl.

"Perhaps you twins could demonstrate then, since you can do it then?" Kakashi said, walking back down to the ground.

Yumi shrugged, and walked forward.

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