Lie 3

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"Sasuke... I'm at point B."

"Sakura, I'm at point C."

"Miyu, I'm at point E."

"Yumi, point D."

"...Naruto, I'm point A, dattebayo,"

"You're slow Naruto. Now Team 7... the target moved! Follow it!" Yumi moved rather unenthusiastically, unlike her teammates, chasing the target. Their sensei asked their distance from the target, and once everyone responded, he ordered them to 'go'.

Four members of Team 7 leapt at the terrified cat, while Yumi stayed back. Naruto's arms wrapped around the cat, and it clawed at his face mercilessly. They confirmed that it was indeed the target, and Yumi just drowned out the sound of their voices, especially Naruto's screeching.

"Yumi," she heard her sensei say her name, and looked over at him quickly.


"Why didn't you attempt to capture the target?" he asked.

"Well, between the four of them, I figured they would likely scare it enough that it wouldn't move, and they would be able to cut off its exits. However, if it someone got out, an extra pair of eyes to catch which direction it went would be beneficial," she explained, earning a nod of approval.

"You always think ahead, Yumi-chan," Sakura said as they started the walk towards the Hokage's office.

"A Shinobi should be able to think and plan ahead. The more you know about your opponent and the more steps you can plan out in advance, the more likely you are to succeed," said girl told her teammate with a smile on her lips.

"That's my sister for you. Though our skills are equal, she takes the strategist role while I do the fighting. I couldn't bear to see her get hurt after all," Miyu said cheerfully, wrapping her arm around her sister's neck. The two twins smiled at each other.

Kakashi walked behind his students, watching their interactions closely. The three that were watching the twins were no where near as observant as him, so they missed the little details. The fact Miyu directed the attention to herself, how Yumi forced a smile and seemed a bit awkward with her sister's arm around her. The twins - as far as most could tell - were back to normal. But he knew that there was still something there, something that made him feel uneasy.

During their short time as a team, he had come to learn that Miyu was the leader of the twins, controlling their actions. Yumi obeyed every little thing, went along with what Miyu said, as if out of fear. But every time he attempted to talk to Yumi alone, she acted as if all was fine, and made an excuse not to talk to him very much without Miyu.

Eventually, the team was standing before the Hokage, and they handed the cat - Tora - back to the client. The Hokage smiled at us slightly as he looked at the list of missions that he could give us.

"Now then, for Team Seven we have a few different tasks available. There is babysitting the daimyo's child, helping his wife with shopping, and --"

"Noo!" Naruto cried out, holding his arms in an X while interrupting the Hokage. "I wanna go on a real mission, not this kid stuff!"

Iruka went off on a lecture, telling the blonde loudmouth off, but it meant nothing to the entire team - aside from Yumi - who were suddenly engrossed in Naruto's monologue in deciding which ramen to get next.

"Silence!" The Hokage shouted, and Kakashi gave a forced apology.

"What they said was that we need to start at the bottom and work up. Naruto, how could you become Hokage if you go into a B rank mission as a Genin and die? When we have the skills, when we are ready, we'll progress. Until then, we do the missions we're given, and we train until we are good enough to do better missions," Yumi told Naruto, giving him a small smile. She understood his feelings, but wasn't as impulsive.

Identical Lies (A Naruto Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin