True 2

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A year ago I sent a letter to Kakashi. Nothing had gone 'wrong', but things did not go according to plan.

As much as I wanted to track the people I missed down as soon as I got back, I had to report to Tsunade-sama. She needed to know what I had seen. The report I gave them seemed completely unbelievable, but they believed it.

Tsunade welcomed me home, straight after, there was a knock at the office door. I closed my eyes, sending a chakra current through the floor and wall, seeing what I could feel beyond the door. Two chakra signatures that seemed vaguely familiar from when I hadn't developed my skills this far.

"Come in," Tsunade said, and the door opened almost straight away. A blur of pink ran towards me and I laughed as Sakura threw herself at me. I caught her and returned her enthusiastic hug.

"Hey there Sakura," I said, grinning at her when she stepped back.

"Welcome home," she said with a wide smile.

"Look at how much you've grown," I said, looking her over.

"Says you! You're stunning," she says. I hadn't paid much attention, but she was right. I'd bulked up a bit, and had a more mature face, less of a baby-face. Everyone assumed I was around 22, despite only being 19. The biggest thing I had noticed was that I wasn't quite a shorty anymore, standing at a comfortable 5 feet and 7 inches, only around 4 inches shorter than Kakashi.

"You on the other hand, don't look like you've aged a day. What moisturiser are you using? Your cheeks are as smooth as ever," I said, turning my attention to Kakashi. Sakura giggled slightly at my joke. Same masked face, none of us had even seen his cheeks.

"Nice to see you too, Hikari," he said, patting my head. I poked my tongue out at him and turned to Tsunade.

"You deserve a break, Hikari-chan. Go catch up with your team, we'll talk more tomorrow," she said, smiling.

"Hai," I said, grinning back.

Standing outside the office with Kakashi and Sakura, I stretched my arms over my head.

"First things first, there's a certain ramen joint that's calling me. A whole world of ramen and nothing compares," I said.

"Are you treating, Kakashi-sensei?" Sakura asked, giving him a sweet smile as if that would convince him.

"Nahh it's on me. After all, the one who would cost the most is off getting stronger," I said before Kakashi could speak.

"You sure? You haven't done a mission in a year and a half though," she said.

I started walking towards the exit.

"Well, you see Sakura, I discovered three industries that I succeed in quite easily, and made myself a small fortune," I said.

"Three industries?" she asked.

"Yep! The collection and sale of bodies, seduction, and selling personal assets," I said, and her eyes flew open.


"She means bounty hunting, assassination, and mercenary work," Kakashi said with a sigh.

"Naww you're killing the mood," I said with a mock pout. Sakura giggled us, and I shot Kakashi a grin, which he smiled back at.

"So, that all sounds pretty exciting. How did your trip to find stuff from your clan go?" Sakura asked.

"Pretty good. I have way too many books and no where to put them though... I think I'll have to nab myself a two bedroom place so one room can be for all my books," I said.

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