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"Alright class, before we start, we have two new students joining us."

"Two on the same day?"

"There were some complications with these two, so they had to start a bit later than the rest of the class, but they're all caught up and ready to join us now."

Umino Iruka greeted the class as though it was just any other day. And for the most part, it was. The Uchiha of the class was still being fawned over the by all the girls, and the class clown was still making a fool of himself. But everyone looked up in surprise when their sensei made this announcement.

Class had only been in session for a month, so it was quite early for new students to be joining the class. They watch on intrigued, eager to see the two latecomers.

"You can come in now."

Footsteps in perfect sync, arms swinging the exact same amount at the exact same time, matching grins that paired with their bright, childlike eyes. Pinstripe skirts, white button up blouse with a neat blue bow perfectly tied at the collar. Long black hair the exact length to match each other, and shining blue eyes that stood out on their faces.

"I'm Miyu!"

"I'm Yumi!"

These twins were in every single sense: identical.

"Please treat us kindly," they said together, bowing to the same point in perfect unison.

It was like someone had performed the clone jutsu. Everything matched. Even their voices were the same. They may as well have been the same person, as there was no way anyone would ever tell them apart.

As time passed over the years and the class got to know the two, it seemed even more that way. Every single thing was identical, regardless of whether it was appearance, personality, hobbies, skills, and anything else. Eventually, everyone stopped looking for the differences and accepted their similarities. Some classmates just started referring to them as 'Miyumi', as they were one person altogether.

They seemed perfect in every way. Most of the boys thought the two were absolutely adorable, and would want to date either – or even better: both.

The two girls could change which one was which each day and no one would know. They seemed to be joined at the hip for many years, and only once their age had reached double digits was one of them occasionally spotted without the other.

And with time, those who had tried to tell which twin was which gave up. They were 'Yumi and Miyu', or 'Miyumi'. No one could tell them apart, and it seemed like no one ever would.

And so the two of them continued on, living identical lives.

Identical Lies (A Naruto Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now