Lie 11

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I leaned against the wall, watching the nurse finish checking up on Kakashi, who was sitting on a hospital bed. Turns out he was right, and I had cracked a couple of his ribs, but it wasn't anything some medical ninjutsu and rest couldn't fix in a couple days. His arm however, was a different story. Both bones had snapped straight in half and would need surgery to fix them.

At least that's what the nurse said. I knew that wouldn't be necessary.

I started to tap my foot impatiently. A "check up" had turned into her find reasons to feel him up, and he seemed to just accept it.

"Are you done?" I asked, kinda snapping. She jumped in surprise as if she'd forgot about me.

"Uhh, yes. I'll go get a proper doctor to give a final analysis on your arm, Kakashi-san," she said, making a beeline out the door.

"You did a number on me, clearly," Kakashi said with a chuckle.

"Nothing that can't be fixed," I said, walking over, "Give me your arm."

Confused and cautious, he slowly extended his damaged arm to me. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. I did a couple hand signs, and then took hold of his wrist with both my hands.

"Katanashi-style: Matter Alter."

It seemed like nothing happened, and I let go.

"Try your arm now," I said. He shot me a suspicious look, and tried moving his arm. His visible eye widened, and he looked up at me.

"What did you do?" he asked, and a smirked.

"The Katanashi clan's abilities all stem from the use of matter, but it an odd sense. The shadowy stuff I used in the weapons and wings is a formless yet hardened version of matter. Theoretically, I could create almost anything out of thin air once I perfect these abilities. For now, I can create things in that way for a limited amount of time," I explained.

"Interesting.... but what did you do to my arm?"

"I did not create matter, but instead altered the matter in your arm, mending the bones back together as if nothing happened. I can alter matter permanently, but only in finite amounts. The more I practice this skill, the more I can alter," I said.

"That's a useful skill, that would solve so many problems just here at this hospital," a voice said from the door. Kakashi and I quickly turned our attention that way, where the Hokage was smiling. I smiled slightly.

"Hai, it is useful. I remember as a child, one of the floorboards broke, and my father fixed it in a minute with this skill. He said when the clan was great, things were never broken or damaged because it was always quickly fixed," I said.

"And you didn't think to fix my ribs with your skill?" Kakashi asked, teasing me.

"Oh, that nurse seemed far too interested in you to let me," I responded. The three of us laughed a bit, and Kakashi gave a shrug.

"So, I've discussed with the village elders, and we have two options available for you, Hikari-chan, but I need to answer a question for me to decide which is best," the Hokage said, and I nodded, mentally preparing myself for whatever is to come.

"Are you willing to throw away everything that makes you who you are, and serve Konoha from the shadows?"

I blinked in surprise. "You mean, be an ANBU?"

"Precisely," he said with a nod.

I looked down at the floor in thought. Discard who I am? To work under a man who had so many bad rumors surrounding him that undoubtedly at least one is true?

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