30. ** Cleanse **

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When we finally arrived back at the farmhouse, Levi escorted me to our room and placed another log on the fire before wandering off to find one of the royal attendees.

"Go ahead and draw a bath, (Y/N). I'm going to see if I can't arrange for some more tea and a bite for us to eat."

I nodded in response, then heaved an exhaustive sigh once the door shut behind him. I fumbled with my wet clothes, struggling to peel them off of my body as if they were a second skin. Finally free of my drenched uniform, I draped each item near the hearth to dry. I paused near the dancing flames, allowing the warmth to glow upon my exposed flesh. Slowly, hesitantly, I traced my stomach with the palm of my hand. Although my body had yet to change much in its outer appearance, I noticed that I had begun to feel different. Places, where my skin was once dry and rough, were now a bit more soft and smooth. My hair was evolving in consistency, thickening and growing faster than usual. My stamina had diminished slightly, as I found it somewhat challenging to catch my breath after performing normal daily tasks.

I was frustrated and nervous and afraid, but deep down, I knew I was just prolonging the inevitable. I couldn't hide my pregnancy from Levi forever. I had to tell him sooner or later, but I was clueless as to how. With a fed-up groan, I flattened my hands over my brow and slicked back the wet tangled mess of hair that clung to my face.


After sufficiently warming myself by the fire, I turned to enter the small adjoining room where I could take a bath again. Drawing the water, I filtered the stream through my fingers to check the temperature. A hot soak in the tub was more than desirable at this point. My back was aching terribly, and my feet had become calloused and chaffed from my soggy, muddy boots. Once the hot water ran tepid, I shut off the valve and slowly relaxed into the steam and heat that soothed my weary body.

I hadn't been submerged for long when I heard the slight creaking of the bedroom door opening, then click shut. A gruff chuckle emitted from the other side of the wall, causing me to stifle my own giggle at the beautiful, rare sound.

"Heh. Considering how your clothes are strewn all over the furniture, I'm going to assume you're already taking a bath."

With a playful scoff I replied, "Hey, you were the one who told me to go ahead."

"Tch, well, maybe I was going to join you, brat."

Our light banter bounced back and forth until my eyes noticed his approaching shadow along the floor. Then, leaning against the door-frame, wearing nothing but his own sweat, Levi took a moment to stare longingly at me, as I noticed myself nervously begin to tremble. Slowly, he made his way towards the tub, before placing his hands on the edge so he could lean over my reclined, nude figure. With his lips lightly brushing against my ear, he muttered, "May I?"

His breathy request caused me to emit a sharp, involuntary gasp. Keeping his eyes glued to mine, he dipped one foot into the basin, followed by the other, until he sank into a straddle. For a few long moments, Levi hovered his lips near mine as we remained nose-to-nose. Then, lightly stroking my cheek with his fingertips, he slowly, softly pushed our lips together in a tender kiss. I lifted my hands out of the water and clasped them behind Levi's neck, running my fingers through his hair, grazing his prickly undercut. My desire to become one with him began throbbing throughout my body as my heartbeat quickened. Maneuvering my legs around Levi, I allowed him to settle in between each limb as we connected beneath the soothing warm water.

Our movements were slow and mindful, as we focused on the raw emotions behind such glorious sensations. Trailing his lips along the skin of my neck, Levi kissed the scar that brought us together so many years ago. What was once a terrifying physical reminder of pain and heartbreak was now also associated with a second chance at life; A life alongside a man unlike any other.

I allowed my hands to wander over the lean yet chiseled body of my lover, wrought with its own scars and bruises, each with its own story to tell. Our whispers and low moans began to evolve into mewls and heavy breathing as our hunger for more intensity grew. With a quick gasp, followed by a throaty groan, Levi whipped his wet ebony hair back as he trembled with ecstasy, releasing inside me. As I held Levi close to my chest, I allowed myself to let go too. He had never failed to bring a smile to my face after sharing in such a vulnerable, serene experience.

Once our breath began to return to a more normal pace, Levi squeezed around me to place himself against the tub where I could rest upon him. We had been here before; my back pressed into his chest, my head tucked under his chin, my body encased in his arms. I couldn't help but close my eyes and sigh happily. If only we could stay like this forever.

"(Y/N)," Levi muttered lowly, breaking the silence. "Wasn't your dream to live on a farm like this one and care for horses?"

Huffing out a small laugh through my nose, I smiled and pulled my knees up out of the water and closer to my chest. "Something like that, yea."

"I was thinking... maybe after we close up Maria and Shiganshina, if we get some kind of answer from whatever the hell is in that brat's basement, and are able to end all of this titan shit... maybe it wouldn't be so bad to live here?"

My eyes widened and I flinched, utterly surprised by the underlying earnest hope in Levi's words. After a moment of silence, as if waiting for my answer, Levi squeezed me a bit tighter and nuzzled against my neck. "You know, just the two of us?"

My stomach dropped and my breath became shallow, as I tried and failed at pushing down the fear that rose within my throat. I allowed myself to bask in one final moment of peace as I bit my lip and inhaled deeply through my nose, before exhaling barely a whisper. "Three..."

A million pounds fell from my shoulders, yet it seemed to take every ounce of oxygen with it as it disappeared. I held my breath, anxiously waiting for the tension and silence to break, but the only thing I could hear was Levi's shaky breath as his chest gradually began to shudder, becoming more audible with every rise and fall. My anxiety began to dissolve into fear, deepening my regret with every passing second. No longer frozen in place, I slumped my shoulders forward and hung my head in shame.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled in sorrow, as I reluctantly removed myself from Levi's warmth. Yet, the moment I did, Levi formed a death-grip around my arm, preventing me from escaping any further. I squeezed my eyes shut tight to hide behind the darkness, finding myself too afraid of things to come. However, blinding myself to the world only heightened my ability to hear... and so I listened.

Had I not heard the sound of a slight sniffle, I would have never turned to lift my gaze and witness hot tears streaming down Levi's face.

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