LRH // Amnesia (2)

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I never came back to her house. I couldn't. It just fucking hurts. I guess its enough that her family is taking care of her. I still text her brother everyday though, asking if she's alright.

I told myself that was enough. I didn't have to complicate things. If remembering me would give her pain, I'd be the martyr and just lie low, hoping she remembers it on her own.

I didn't drive home straight after school that day. Instead, I came to the little park we used to go to.

It was already 8 in the evening, nobody else was there. I parked my car, walked to the large tree we used to climb. As I skimmed my hands on its trunk, I barely made out a familiar etch.

Y/N Hemmings. Soon.

I chuckled. She etched this here with a sharp stone when she finally agreed to be my girlfriend. We both knew that we were gonna be together for the long run.

I climbed the tree, sat in the large branch we used to sit together in. The branch that has been witness to our countless kisses, countless cuddles, countless 'I love you's.

I sighed.

It was a tragic accident, right when were about to drive off to uni together. School's almost over and we're graduating together. Right when we promised to take on the crazy world together. Right when we started having plans for the future.

My chest tightened with the pain already familiarized myself with, the corners of my eyes slowly tearing up.

I'm pathetic, I know. But if the one you love the most doesn't remember even one bit of the love you shared, won't you cry?

She's my world. She's my everything. And heaven knows how my world crumbled when the doctor said she has amnesia.

I hastily wiped my tears when I heard footsteps, a pair of feet scraping the park's gravel.

The branch I was sitting on was pretty high so I hid myself, waiting to see who's coming.

Y/N. My breath hitched as I watched her.

She was still Y/N. She walks the same way, dragging her feet on the ground, making noises as she walked. She still holds her arms on her back, looking like a little kid, wandering around. She still had that same light in her eyes. The light that drew me into her, the light that made me love her.

But she was also not Y/N. She didn't know me. She didn't know that she loves me. She didn't know that I used to tuck that stray hair from her face everytime I get the chance.

She stopped in front of the tree, taking a deep breath as she studied it, like it would give her answers.

"Hey!" I shouted down, my voice echoing around the silent park.

She jumped in surprise, looking up at me. I then proceeded to climb down.

"Luke! Why are you here?" She asked, recovering from shock.

"I should ask you that question. Your mother would go ballistic."

She sighed, smiling guiltily at me. "I know. You seem to know my mother so much. Are we close? Before the, uhhh, accident?"

I sat on the tree's large roots. "Yeah, we're close."

Short answers, Luke. Don't give anything away. I reminded myself.

She sat beside me, "I didn't want to rest yet. I feel like I shouldn't be so calm about everything. Like I'm missing something important."

I looked at him quizzically.

"Yes, I mean, I forgot a lot of important things but I feel like I'm missing a really important piece. I've been sneaking out for a few nights now. And everytime I do, my feet always take me here. On this tree."

She glanced up and continued, "Because somehow, I think this tree is going to give me answers. Being here makes the nagging, annoying part of my mind calm down. Being here makes me feel safe. It's easier to think, it's easier to remember."

Why is she doing this to me?

I know this means she remembers this. Our tree. But still I can't take actions, not right now.

I'm not even sure anymore if I want her to remember me. Do I? After what I did?

But you have to man up, Hemmings. That's the only way you can have her again. Deal with it. Mistake or not.

"Do you know when people forget things, they make other people tell them stories?" I blurted out, a crazy plan forming in my head.

"They do?"

"Yes. So, if you want to remember, I have a story to tell you. Would you listen?"

She nodded enthusiastically.

And I started telling her a story. A love story she knew too well but forgotten.

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