black butterflies and a night with you (2)

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“You know in the many years we’ve been friends I never pegged you as someone who would run away from a situation like that.”

I froze up. Her voice that I always hear most hours of the day has suddenly become enough to send my heartbeat crashing violently against my chest in the span of a night. I could feel her warmth approaching until there was movement beside me. She was there, sitting cross-legged and staring at the ocean.

This was no fight or flight, only straight up flight. I went here hoping to clear my mind; her being here complicates things—I can’t handle this right now. I wouldn’t know what to say. I made a move to stand.

“Stay. You don’t need to talk. I won’t ask you to. Let me talk.”

I stopped from dusting sand off my ass and sat back down, cautious and ready to run at a moment’s notice.

She chuckled, “Seeing as you ran away shocked like a baby, Luke probably didn’t tell you why he was there this afternoon. Your boy’s been keeping secrets from you, Hood.

Anyway, he confessed to me today. It was nice, but it didn’t feel right. After the kiss, even Luke looked puzzled. And I talked to him properly. That I know he’s going through stuff from his breakup and you know how he is, he craves affection. He must’ve misinterpreted me when we went to his place and stayed there to comfort him. He said he thought I could fix him up. I told him he’s the only one who can and I think he left feeling better than after he thought he likes me.”

At this point, I was now feeling guilty for not seeing how miserable Luke still was. It’s been months since his breakup and I’ve made shit tons of effort to take his mind off of that and forget the pain but apparently, it wasn’t enough.

I was too busy sulking about being a bad friend when suddenly she was straddling me, bringing me back to the present. I gulped nervously, hyper aware of the parts of our skin that are touching.

“W-what are you d-doi—“

She cut me off by kissing me, her lips soft and tender against mine, and I felt my insides stir.

“How does that feel?”

I answered by reaching for her face and bringing our lips together once again. I tasted her properly this time, basking in her sweetness. I felt her smile against the kiss, “That’s how it should feel. That’s how you know it’s right.”

My arms made its way around her small frame, slow and cautious. Then, I brought her closer to me and I breathed in her scent. How could someone you’ve known for years feel like a completely different person? It was like I was hugging her for the first time, properly feeling her, knowing it was her in my arms.

I sighed. Holy heck, did it feel right.

My arms mindlessly traveled on her back, lightly tracing the black butterfly tattoo that’s quickly becoming my favorite thing.

“Why didn’t I know you got a tattoo like this?” I ask.

She pulled back, pursing her lips as she looked at me. “Well, if you’d known, you’d ask why I got it. And you know I could never lie to you.”

“What do you mean?”

She smiled at me and once again, it felt like I was seeing her for the first time, she glowed in my vision, vibrant and full of life and full of promises. “I had it done the day I realized I like you.”

“And when was that?” a smile was playing in the corner of my lips, emotions off the roof. In my mind, I was randomly thinking of days she might say.

She leaned in, stealing a quick kiss before answering, “The day I met you.”

this was cute i like this

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