AFI // Charity Ball (1)

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Pau stares at her reflection in the full length mirror.

'This is too fancy for me', she thought.

She turns around, glancing at her exposed back from the backless silver, close-fitting long gown she was wearing at the moment.

Well, I look different. Good different? she chided again.

She did look different. Her eyes were bright against the dark eyeshadow she had on. Cheeks flushing scarlet from the situation that led her here, getting dressed for the charity ball, in Ashton Irwin's condo.

She sighed. He is just so controlling.

But in bed, she likes him just the way he is. She savors it.

Pau blushes deeper at her naughty thought, dismissing it from her mind.

Languidly, she sat on the edge of the bed, putting on the beautiful silver strapped heels that matched her gown.

A little scoff escaped from her mouth, only Ashton is expected to have such great taste in women's clothing. Did he chose these himself? She had to ask later.

Sooner rather than later, she walks out of the room to the living room where the devil himself is waiting patiently for her.

She stood still, faltering in her steps, overwhelmed by the sight in front of her. Slowly, she drank him in. Can he get any less hotter?

From all their encounters and 'sexcapades' as she wanted to put it, Pau figured she must have grown a little accustomed to his godlike looks, but she didn't. Every time, he catches her off guard with his look, his appearance, his smile which makes every look feeling like the first.

He looked heavenly, of course.

In his black velvet suit, a crisp dark patterned polo underneath, and of course, his signature bandanna -- it's gray this time -- he looked good enough to eat. His usual untamed, hazel brown curls in a mess around his face. His eyes, which were in the same wonderful color, danced with concealed naught. In them, you also saw outright admiration.

Add up the way he had his mouth slightly open, his breathing not quite normal as it should be.

He looks at her like he was seeing a piece of art. With awe, admiration. With need.

It still puzzles Paula why this man, this beautiful, perfect man wants her, and now, seeing him off guard with how she looked pleases her and sends a really, really satisfying feeling down her belly.

She slowly walks up to him, smiling timidly, though inside she was nervous as hell. Well, because of the fact that she was wearing four-inch heels and she still didn't feel beautiful. It's always been like that.

His wide smile falters and was hooded into silence after taking in her expression.

What did I do now? she panicked a bit in her mind.

"Stop looking like you're ashamed of yourself. You look breathtaking, Paula," he said huskily, admonishing her insecure thought.

Pau's breath hitches. Breathtaking.

'He finds me breathtaking', she mewls in her head. Slowly, she starts standing a little bit taller, smiling a little bit stronger, holding her shoulders firmer.

"Good girl," he breathes and lands a small kiss on her hair, his lips staying there and inhaling her scent. "You smell as wonderful as ever. Come, we don't want to be late."

As he does, Pau thought. She could just lean in and she already feels heady of his overpowering yet delicious smell. Aftershave, and his own cologne that she has never known. He smells divine.

He pulls away and takes her hand and they bound off to the elevator. Ashton's driver is already waiting downstairs, his fancy Audi open.

Pretty soon they were speeding off to the charity ball sponsored by Ashton's friend, Calum Thomas Hood.

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