Memories Part 1

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  Renjun and I are sitting on top of our hill, it's late at night and the stars are shining every once in awhile one blinks. Renjun's head is on my lap and his eyes are struggling to stay open. I run my fingers through his hair and down his cheek. Within a few more seconds he's out, I'm really happy because he hasn't been getting sleep so this is one of the few times he's probably relaxed.

  I look up at the stars taking in the world around me. As I'm doing so I let my brain take me down memory lane and memories come back to me but now they make much more sense and they're..... Scarier?

Memory 1: Pied Piper

  It was late at night maybe 10 or 11, my parents were at a party so it was my older twin brothers and me and my twin sister home. I was around 6 and my sister and I were playing with legos. My brothers were in their room across the hall. The house was quiet, besides my sister and I talking quietly, when I heard music coming from outside we rushed to our feet a looked out our window. Standing in our street was a man dressed in colorful attire with a flute to his mouth, he was playing a song I had never heard and as he continued kids can out of their houses dancing and singing. The man smiles but he was not satisfied, as he continued to play his flute. Soon at least a hundred kids were on the street dancing smiling. My siblings and I, however did not go as we were all horrified at the sight of our friends being lead outside of their houses by a creepy man.

  The aftermath of this event was disastrous as more than half of the kids in our town had been whisked away. Some parents went to find their kids but met the same fate, up until know I didn't realize what this thing was. It was a pied piper.

I'm so so so sorry for the delay in chapters recently. I'll try to be posting more right now I'm working on a new chapter of Broken Gold. Aside from that a lot of other things are happening. There's a new kid at my school from South Korea and his accent and English are so cute. Although, people are making racist comments about him and I don't think he understands. I'm trying to become friends with him and even offered to help him with English.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2019 ⏰

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