they're just walking, out of college grounds, down the main road street. she buys time to prepare herself, write the script in her head, but at times like these when she's under a shit ton of pressure, nothing goes through her brain. and it's also times like these that she regrets a lot of decisions — namely getting back with her ex-boyfriend, among other things.

after much thought, they'd decided to go back to the studio. with the building almost three-quarters empty, at least if she has to walk out, she can do it with almost no one seeing her. they find themselves in one of the smaller rooms nearer to back exit of the building, a little more quiet and secluded. they didn't bother seeing who else was in the same place.

"okay? we can talk now," he sits cross-legged in front of her, hands on his lap, head cocked to the side. he looks like a kid. "is there something wrong?"

yes, of course there's something wrong. i think you know what is it but i highly doubt you'll admit it because you think i didn't hear anything. what do you take me for? a joke? i'll be honest with you. i heard it all. you said i meant nothing to you? alright, i'll take it. let's just break up, woong. we both knew it wasn't going to work, anyway. what were we even thinking? that whatever we had in high school was going to last up till now? that's kind of messed up. and you know what? maybe you should just go to rohee. maybe she gets you more than i do. i mean, you love her, right? just go, woong. i have nothing else to say. this is over.

as if.

"on second thought, no, not really," she fibs. "nevermind. don't think about it, okay? it's just a trivial issue." even when woong prods and provokes, dayeon stands ground and tells him to brush it off.

after several failed attempts, he gives up and puts his head in her lap. he plays with her fingers, presses kisses to the tips, leans into her touch when she pushes his light hair out of his eyes, his forehead. now that she can do everything she always wanted to, it's a weird feeling that bubbles up inside her. she holds herself back and stops, but woong takes her hand and puts it back to his head.

and they talk. about their day, the weather. who they think is going to be the next duet for the month's covers, who has a crush on who. they talk about rohee, youngmin. they laugh about how much rohee and donghyun dislike each other.

although they're laughing like the old times, dayeon can't quite get it out of her head. the whole argument replayed in her head like a broken radio, his words like a blade stabbed into her chest. dayeon means nothing to me. she shut her eyes close and leaned back until her head touched the wall. dayeon means nothing to me.

"what are you thinking about?" his voice is like the wind.

dayeon shifts her gaze back to him. "me? oh, it's nothing."

"you're hiding something from me. i can see that," he sits up and takes both of her hands, placing them in his lap. "talk to me about it, dayeon. i'm your boyfriend, after all."

my boyfriend who tells another girl i mean nothing to him? "really, woong, i'm fine," she reassures, gently squeezing his hands. "can we just go home? i'm tired."

they walk to the bus stop, all the while with woong tightly holding her hand. it's silent again, with the sound of feet shuffling accompanying them. the wind is softly tickling their cheeks as they pad down the sidewalk. not a single word is exchanged, even when they reach the little porch and sit down beside each other.

woong turns to face her. "you can talk to me, okay? i just want you to know that," he speaks after a long silence. "you mean a lot to me. i'm just looking out for you, i want to take care of you like i'm supposed to. for old time's sake."

she glances at him, hand still in loosely in his hold. "yeah, i know. for old time's sake," she nods her head carelessly. "i just don't want to lose you again. that's all, woong."

he pulls her in by her shoulders until she's leaning on him, drops a kiss to her head. "you'll never lose me, dayeon. i'm not going anywhere."

but dayeon thinks, hasn't she already lost him?


yeah uh NO fuck u jeon woong

woongyeon HALFWAY disbandment party bc woong made points today during kcon . other than that woong no rights

i just want youngyeon to date and donghee to stop being dumb little bitches and face the facts that theyre actually soulmates ok this is a woong fic but i think i made everyone hate woong and thats just the greatest accomplishment ever

OH YES thank you for 2k!!!!!!!!!!! mwahmwah and for skinny rankings yall kept me #1 on jeonwoong for SO LONG and now we #1 on brandnewboys AND #2 on ab6ix hehe ily

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