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Jasmine's POV

I'm already at seven month and three weeks the babies move and move, it's all I feel when I'm trying to sleep. I have to admit sleeping without Aladdin was something to get use too. I looked to my side to notice the empty space and his untouched pillow. I can't say it doesn't hurt, but I wasn't going to be stupid and stick around while he checked out other women. Part if me wanted to come to terms with the fact he loved me but great part of me doubted his feelings for me.

As I got up from taking my nap I waddled to my vanity. I did my hair, got dressed and went to Dalia and Genie's room to see if she was there. I knocked on the door.

"Come in." She said in a soft voice.

"Hey Dal." I walked over and sat next to her as she put her book down.

"Hey, how are you feeling today?"

I sighed. "Pretty much the same I guess. I'm tired and alone."

"Oh come on Jasmine you aren't alone. I'm here and the kids are here and so is Genie. And well Aladdin, I know he'd be there if he needed to be."

"And that's the problem. I shouldn't be a burden, nor the kids... especially not the kids. They barely even see him anymore, Dalia."

"I know sweetie. I know he'd probably love to hang out with them though. Maybe he can take them out for a while."

"Yeah try telling him that when you see him, oh that's right you won't because he's never home anymore. God know's where he is, or who he's with..."

"Jasmine come on, you know he's just working. And in his defense you were the one that wanted a break."

"I know, but I wanted a break from him being my husband not a break from him being a father to our children." Dalia caressed my arm as her eyes widened. "Sahara keeps asking questions Dalia and I don't even know what to tell her anymore."

"I mean but she knows you guys aren't speaking."

"Yeah but she's asking why and if we're going to keep being married and—"

"Well... are you? Because this seems to have gone pretty far."

I looked at Dalia and then down at my hands. "I... I don't know."

"What don't you know exactly?"

"I don't know if I trust him. I don't know if I can be with him and not be scared that he'll be angry one day and just leave."

"Jas you know he won't do that, he loves you."

I couldn't hold back my tears. "And I love him but I jus—"

"You have to calm down. Maybe the time just isn't right, things are complicated everyones emotional, but you will get through this. Even if it takes months. You will, I can assure you that." She gripped my hand.

"How do you know?"

"Because I've never seen anyone love like you love each other. Just trust me on this okay?"
I snuffled and nodded at Dalia. "Now come on let's get those tears off of your face." Dalia dragged me to her vanity. "And look if you want him to hang out with the kids, just tell him that."

"I can't face him like this, I look so drained."

"Well you're tired and almost eight months pregnant honey you won't exactly look hot." Dalia giggled at me.

"Yeah I guess you're right. I'll just tell Hakim to let me know when he gets here."

"Yes, perfect. Now you go do that. I'm sure he'll be here any minute."


Just like I like Dalia and I spoke I went over to Hakim and asked him to let me know when Al was getting here. As the hours went on I kind of lost hope to be honest. Before I knew it dinner was over,  the kids were in bed and I found myself in my old bedroom rereading old books I hadn't read since I was a young girl. Suddenly, I heard the door creak open. Aladdin walked in seriously.

"You wanted to see me?"

I stood up and put my book down. "It's late..."

"Yeah I've been working all day."

I looked to the side and whispered under my breath, "That seems like its the only thing you do lately."


"Nothing." I took in a deep breath and walked up to him. "Look I know we' this situation, but I don't want it affecting the children."

"The children, what? What happened?" He quickly got worried.

"They're fine, I just, I want you to spend time with them Aladdin. Ali, Sahara they aren't getting any younger and every minute you spend out there working they grow up even more. What I'm saying is, you have to be a father to our kids regardless of whats going on between us."

Aladdin looked down, I could tell he felt embarrassed. "Yeah I get it, I'm sorry. About the kids. I'll try to be more... present."

I let out a breath. "Thank you. That was all." Aladdin nodded and got up but turned to look at me.

"How are you and the babies?"

"I'm doing okay, just tired."

"The belly is looking bigger." His eyes widened.

"I'm almost eight months with twins it's not exactly suppose to look small."

"I know I just meant—"

"I know what you meant."

Aladdin looked back at me. "Look I know it's probably stupid to ask but can I talk to them."

I sighed. "Sure." I walked closer to Aladdin and watched as he lowered himself to match my stomachs height. He spoke to the babies for a few minutes and touched it before standing up.

"They're pretty strong in there, I imagine those kicks aren't gentle." He got up and faced me dangerously close. I could feel my breath getting shaky as he looked me in the eyes.

"Y—yeah they're strong. Look I have to—" I tried evading him but he held my hand.

"Jasmine wait, what are we doing?" I couldn't look him in the eyes. "This isn't us, Jas."

"I'm not having this conversation again Al." He pinned me against the door.

"Tell me one good reason why I shouldn't kiss you right now."

"Aladdin pleas—"

"Tell me you don't love me right now and I'll leave you alone." I took a gaze at him. "Tell me you don't love me."

"You know I can't do that Aladdin." I raised my voice at him.

"Why not?"

"Because I love you so much it hurts! So please... just leave me alone."


OMGGGG just 1 MORE update, I can't believe it!!!!!! I hope you guys enjoyed!!!

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