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Mena's POV

After a long day I quickly went to get dressed and ready for dinner. If Genie was right, and Jasmine did want me I had to pull out the big guns, my Prince Ali outfit. Jasmine always loved when I wore it, which is why I only wore it in special occasions. I looked at myself in the mirror and combed my hair back one last time before leaving my bedroom.

"All set" I said to myself and headed downstairs.

I was surprised to see Jasmine bedroom door was open, as I walked to the stairs. She wore a beautiful purple set, the one she wore when I left the castle after I was exposed as Aladdin to her. She sat as she wet her long dark hair and brushed it so it formed small curls at the ends. I also couldn't help but notice her bump peaking through her now very tight shirt. I zoned out as I watched her finish fixing her mself up from afar. That is, until she started coming my way.

"Could you try knocking next time before creepily watching me from a distance?" She said as she rolled her eyes in a teasing manner and walked out the door. As I followed her I noticed how big her butt had gotten. Pregnant Jasmine was truly something else. We walked together downstairs and sat next to each other. Dinner was normal, I guess, the kids told us about their daily adventures, the adults talked and of course we have Grandpa now to maintain the grandkids entertained.

I carefully watched Jasmine as she finished eating what was left of her food. My curiosity was honestly killing me, I wanted to know if Genie was right. If this morning had taught me anything and if Jasmine was truly at the peak of her lust phase, there was no way she was going to resist any sort of contact. I decided to test my theory; I extended my hand and reached to touch Jasmine's bareback.; softly I caressed it with my cold fingers, drawing circles all over it and giving her tingles. In minutes I felt Jasmine's body flinch as her face turned red.

"Hey kids, are you done with your plates?" She asked as she quickly got up and prevented me from touching her back. The kids nodded and handed her their plates. Just as last time, I grabbed the other two and followed her to the kitchen. Jasmine turned her back on me as she  placed her plates on the table as did I. Walking dangerously close to her I put my hand on her waist. I could feel Jasmine's body tremble as if she had just had a cold shiver.

"I know what you're doing and it's not going to work." She said angrily as she remained with her back to me. I got closer to her and removed her hair from her neck with my cold hands.

"Really? What if I do this?" I proceeded to kiss her neck softly as I made my way up. Jasmine's head turn to the side, allowing me to go up even further. Before I knew it she had turned around searching for my lips. We both let go in the search for air. I couldn't help but smirk at her as she opened her eyes and tried to catch her breath.

"I—I can't Al, I—" I stopped her from speaking once more as I pushed my lips against hers as my hands roamed her body. Jasmine couldn't fight it, in an instance, she gave in to the hunger we had for one and other. We kissed intensely until the sound of the door opening startled us both.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know you were busy. I'll just leave you two" I couldn't help but notice Jasmine trying to hold her nervous laugh back while Dalia rapidly left the kitchen, startled at the sight of us. Mostly, Jasmine, who was now, completely flustered.

"It's nothing I was just on my way out." I suddenly heard Jasmine say as she tried to evade me but I managed to pull her hand back as I looked at her with a smirk. Jasmine, still out of breath looked back at me angrily and let me walk out the door first. Suddenly I felt a small tug on my shirt. "Bedroom later." She whispered seductively into my ears as we approached the table.

As dinner finished we took the kids upstairs and read each of them bedtime stories. I couldn't help but notice Sahara's smile as she watched me and Jasmine be at least civil to each other. I finished up the story until she dozed off. "Goodnight my little princess." I said to Sari and gave her a small kiss on her head.

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