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Jasmine's POV

I turned back to see Sahara and Ali playing with the carpet and smile at Aladdin. 
"We did a good job with those two huh?". I say with a smirk on my face. 

Aladdin walks over and hugs me from the back.

"Only because they have the best mommy in the world." He replies as he lays a kiss on my cheek. 

"C'mon guys lets get ready for Uncle Genie and Aunt Dalia's arrival!"

"Mommy I wanna keep playing with carpet can we go another time?" Sahara said with a frustrated look. 

"Honey, you've never met your uncles and your mommy and daddy haven't seen them since we got married. Besides your cousins Lian and Omar are coming too, aren't you excited?" 

"We've never even met them, mom, what if they're boring?" Said Ali as he backed up his sister. 

"You know its funny aside from the obvious good looks they just had to get their mommies stubbornness," Aladdin said as he laughed at me. 

"Ha-ha very funny. Go and get those two ready I don't wanna be late... please Aladdin." I said as I made puppy dog eyes at him.

"Oh all right." Aladdin bends over and picks up both kids with each hand. 

"C' mon kids you can come and play with carpet later let's get you guys ready."

"But dad–" 

"No buts, hurry up and go shower while your mom and I get ready." 

"Ugh okay." Said Sahara as she dragged Ali along with her. 

Aladdin's POV

"You realize we're going to have to tell them the full story right?" I say as I watch Jasmine brush her hair. 

"Yeah, but we'll just let Lian and Omar tell them, I'm sure the Genie has already told them all about it." She says and smiles. 

"It's crazy how fast time has flown by isn't it? It feels like just yesterday I was a street rat begging for food.." I say as I lay down and sign.

"Al c' mon, let's not talk about this. You're okay now and you have a beautiful family. We're doing our best with the country you know. Don't keep feeling bad because you got a break and others didn't, you still always help everyone out, we still try helping everyone out. Agrabah's getting better."

"I know I'm sorry, I just can't help but forget those things you know. I'm just grateful Sahara and Ali have someone other than Abu to guide them in their life choices you know." I reply to Jasmine. 

"You're still lucky you know, in the end, you got caught by your Sultan" Jasmine says as she laughs and lays a kiss on my lips. 

"Oh yes, how could I forget the hairpin, that's a story we have to tell the kids," I say and smile as I remember the moment. 

Jasmine sits on my lap and wraps her arms around my body.

"Ehh wait till they get a bit older then we can tell them about that and the hot kiss I gave you after you got caught.. just like the one I'm about to give you right now.

She then puts her hands on my face. We kiss with immense passion just as we did that one time, however, a knock on the door interrupts. 

"Yes?" I ask as I get up to open the door.

"Oh your majesty, your guests are arriving shortly." Says Hakim. 

"Ah yes, thank you for letting us know," I respond and close the door. "Now where were we?" I say as I walk up to Jasmine and reach in for a kiss. 

"Ahhh just hold on there. Dalia and Genie are coming soon we have to get ready" 


"No buts Al, hurry unless you want me to get Raja" 

"Raja loves me and you know it" I respond and laugh.

"Just go get ready so we can fix up the kids"

"Okay my sultan, your wish is my command," I say as I head to change. 

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