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Aladdin's POV

I walked around the market place searching for items with a few servants. It was an extremely busy day, I forgot how hectic it got here. But in a way, I felt at peace, the market was my first home, and it was just as if I never left. I walked down the stands and greeted everyone, people who saw me grow up and become the husband of a sultana. There were people who still didn't believe it.

After walking down through a few streets we finally found the stand we were looking for. But something caught my eye. Or I guess you could say, someone. Through the corner of my eye, I noticed a woman in a white dress, a dress I knew very well. I nodded and sighed to myself as I approached her. She seemed so distracted, I walked up behind her and grabbed her arm; she gasped loudly.

"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked Jasmine as she turned around startled.

"You scared the living daylights out of me." She rolled her eyes. "Well I was clearing my head, but now I have to listen to you fight me about this so guess I'm going back to the palace and hiding myself in our room." Jasmine tried walking away.

"Jasmine hold on a second. We're not finished with yesterdays conversation."

"Okay, talk." She crossed her arms.


"I'm finished with yesterdays conversation. You said you weren't so what do you have to say?"

"We need to talk about this, I'm not about to have you give birth while we're fighting."

Jasmine sighed. "The kids are our kids Aladdin, you can do as you please with them, take them out, spend time with them, whatever. I, however, am free to make my own choices and my choice right now is to not be with you."

"You can't be serious Jasmine, we've been married for almost ten years."

"Yes, and it took you seconds to stare at another women's body and completely ignore my presence while doing so. What happened to our ten years of marriage then?" She raised her brows at me. I honestly had no words. "That's what I thought. Now if you excuse me, I'm going home." Jasmine tried walking away but once again I grabbed her hand.

"Wait!" I turned to one of the guards. "Take her to the palace and make sure she gets there safe." I saw Jasmine looked back at me angrily. I seriously couldn't believe the situation I was in...

Jasmine's POV

I finally made it back to the palace and stormed into my bedroom. Throwing myself in my bed, I buried my face in my hands as I cried. Although I was so angry and I knew I was in the right to make the decision I made, I couldn't help but feel so guilty. In a way, it felt like my family was falling apart. A knock on the door forced me to wipe my tears away.

"Come in!" Ali poked his head inside.

"Momma you're back, he ran up to me and on to my bed. "Why are you crying?"

I sighed as I smiled at him. My nose always got red when I cried. "It's nothing baby, I'm okay."

"Are you hurt?" He raised my dress to check my knees. I couldn't help but giggle at his little act.

"No, I'm's just, sometimes mommy gets sad. But I'm all better now I promise."'

"Don't be sad, I love you." He threw his arms at me. I hugged him back tightly as I felt him give me a small kiss on the cheek.

"I love you so much more, thank you." Suddenly, I heard another knock, Sahara walked in.

"Hey, what'd I miss?" She walked up to us. "Are you okay mom?" She sat next to me.

I nodded. "I'm good."

"Are you sure? Do you need me to get aunt Dalia?"

"No it's okay, I just had a moment I guess."

Sahara turned her head at me. "Ali would you mind if I talked to mom alone?" Ali shrugged his shoulders and ran out. She sighed. "Mom, I don't mean to be nosy, but are you fighting with Bubba again?" She looked up at me. As I looked back at her all I could feel was guilt. I don't know why but I just couldn't lie to her. Looking down I nodded yes to her. I could tell she felt uneasy. "Why?"

"Look Sari, theres times as an adult where you have to make decisions, and this was one of those times. Your father and I, we love each other a lot but sometimes things get...complicated."


"Yes...but look I don't want you to change because we're not super perfect right now alright? He's your dad and you love him just as much as always. Whatever happens is between him and me, he'll always be there for you just like I'll always be there. Am I making myself clear?"

Sahara nodded as she went to give me a hug. "I understand mom."

"Okay, good."

"So, how long isn't going to be this time?"

I went to caress her back as I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know sweetheart, I really don't know. Hopefully not long."

Sari nodded in agreement. "Okay...look I've got to finish school. I love you."

"I love you most, always." She smiled at me and headed out.

I threw myself back in the bed and stared at the ceiling. I truly didn't know how long it could be this time, and to be honest the thought of not knowing terrified me. It was only a matter of time until the babies were born and part of me knew I couldn't do it alone...


2 more updates ahhhhh!!! Hope you guys enjoyed!

AlSO, I released a Naomi and Jordan one-shot but some people dmed me saying they would love to see it turned into a story soooooo I might actually consider doing it!!! Go check it out you might like it <3

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