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Jasmine's POV

"Two? Are you serious?" Dalia asked alarmed.

"Shh, will you keep your voice down? It's still just a maybe okay."

"But I mean, are you ready for that? Is your body ready for that, Jas?"

"I don't know Dal. It has to be I guess."

"How long have you known?"

"Two weeks." I bit my lip.

"Two weeks and you hadn't told me?"

"I mean what was I suppose to say, "Hey, I'm having two babies, wanna join the party?""

Dalia rolled her eyes at me as she walked to the balcony. "How's he doing?" She signaled to Aladdin with her nose.

"Scared. We're both terrified. I don't know who beats who at this point." I sighed as I looked out to the garden. "I can't mess this up Dalia. I can't d–"

"Shh don't you dare say that." Dalia stopped me. "You're going to be fine. I'm here now and I will be there."

"I know Dal, but it's different now. Life is different, this is different." I pointed at my belly and looked to my feet as I turned to face the balcony. "I need you to promise me something."

"Anything Jasmine."

"Take care of Aladdin... the kids, they'll grow up, they'll be fine. I came out alright without a mom. But Al, he's different."

Dalia nodded her no. "Jasmine you won't—"

"Please promise." I felt a tear stream down my face as I looked back at Dalia.

"Oh, sweetie." She pulled me into a hug. "I promise, but I also promise you, it's going to be fine." She caressed my back and gently let go.

I took in a deep breath and looked back out. "So...the girls seem to be having fun."

"Yeah, especially Sari, I think she likes that boy over there, she hasn't stopped making eyes at him since they got here." Dalia pointed at the kids.

"Yeah, I guess she hasn't. I mean, she doesn't really meet many kids around her age. Especially from the city. I can't remember that last time we opened the gates like this for the children to play."

"I think it's good that we're doing it. Kids need protecting, but they also need to be kids. Besides, Sari is almost you as a kid, pretty soon she'll be sneaking out to see the city all by herself."

My eyes widened. "I never thought of that. Which makes me think... I should just take her out myself."

"You're crazy if you think Aladdin is going to let you out of the gates with that belly."

"Who says he has to know? Besides, I could bring Hakim with me and we could check out a few things." Dalia rolled her eyes.

"You just love getting in trouble, don't you? I'm serious you shouldn't be doing that behind his back. Why not just tell him, maybe he can come with!"

"Who Al? You're crazy. He drives me insane every time we go to the market, Dalia. Plus Sari and I need some girl time." Dalia looked back at me in disapproval. "Look he'll find out eventually, maybe I will tell him. I just really want some alone time. I want to forget I'm pregnant even if it's just for a few hours."

"You're crazy Jasmine."

"Yes and you're not, that's why we're best friends." I smiled at her. "Now let's go get the kids, they've been down there for hours."

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