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Aladdin's POV

I stood next to Jasmine who had her arms wrapped around me as we watched the children play in the garden. I swear this is the calmest I'd felt in a long time. Ironically, I feel like finding out there was more than one baby made us more relaxed in a way. Sure there were more, but suddenly everything that had happened that we could've been worried, about made sense. It gave us such a breather. Confidently I could say, Jasmine seemed way happier and that transmitted to all of us. She was without a doubt the heart of this family.

"The kids have grown up so much these past few months. I feel like I've focused so much on these babies, I forgot we already have two that are getting so big right in our faces. I wish they stayed tiny forever." Jasmine looked out at the kids and then up at me.

"Yeah, Sari's grown up too much and Ali seems
so big already. I also feel like having Omar around has helped him. He use to be so shy as a baby, I'm glad he's more comfortable around other kids."

"Yeah it's true he was always the more serious one, which is ironic because he's so rowdy no." Jasmine giggled at me.

"That's our little boy to you." I laughed as he came up to us. "Look what I got mommy, it's a little worm."

Jasmine scrunched her nose. "Aw that's
great honey." She looked back at me with widened eyes: "He can be your little boy when he's touching gross things." I couldn't hold back my laugh. "Im going to go check on the girls." She went over to Dalia.

I turned back to Ali and kneeled down to match his height. He was incredibly amused by the caterpillar. "You like it buddy?"

He nodded without taking attention away from it. "Can I keep it?"

"Well I don't think mommy would like that very much now would she?"

Ali pouted, "But Sari has Abu and Rajah, it's no fair."

"Abu and Rajah are mommy and I's not your sisters. Besides, that little caterpillar has a home too. Don't you think it'd be sad if he could never see his parents anymore."

Ali shrugged his shoulders and put him on his other hand. "Bubba I want a pet."

"We'll get you one, just something less... green. Is that a deal?"

"Deal." He fist bumped my and ran back to the grass.

"Ahh I see he's already asking for stuff." The Genie said to me as I got up. 

"I guess so. Gotta keep them happy these next few months before the babies come."

"Babies? Watchu talking about babies?" The Genie turned back confused.

"Oh Dalia didn't tell you?"


"Jas might be having twins."

"Boy you trippin'. Twins?"


"Wow, I guess congratulations are in order, how we feeling?"

"Honestly, I'm scared as hell, but I'm happy. Jasmine is healthy, the kids are doing great, it's all a matter of time now."

"Damn four kids, that little guy does some good work." Genie laughed.

I laughed back. "I guess it does."

"Which has me thinking, you guys should have fun while you can because I Imagine Jasmine might wanna take a little break after this pregnancy." Genies pressed his teeth together.

"You're right... we've been like lovey dovey but we haven't in a while though. And soon she probably won't want too because she get's cranky again."

"Gotta make good use of your time man."

"I do. Also, we have to like go out or something soon. Jas said she wants us to hang out before the babies come."

"Yeah, Dalia said the same thing the other day. I mean, it sounds good, we're technically full time parents."

"That's true, a nice little outing doesn't seem to shabby."

"But where would we go? You're the one who's been everywhere."

"I mean I don't know, maybe take her somewhere special? Why don't we go to Shirabad? She is the rightful heir to the throne there even if they have her cousin as Sultan. Plus its her mothers homeland."

"Damn that's a great idea... how'd you come up with that?"

"You can take the man out of the Genie, but you can't take Genie out of a man." Genie chuckled and winked back at me.

I laughed at him. "Well, we just have to set a date then. I think it'd be best maybe next week or something, before it gets too cold and Jasmine's belly get's too much. Also we have to ask Aliyah if she can babysit."

"I mean it sounds like you've got it almost figured out so just let me know."

"I will! But can we take the kids in already, it's almost dinner and they're full of dirt." I watched the boys as they sat on the ground. "The girls look like they just had a bath and they've been out here for hours."

"That's women to you, always looking pretty."

"You know I hope Jasmine has another girl, I mean she said she thought it was a girl and a boy or two boy's but I kind of want another girl."

"Yeah theres something about girls alright."

"I mean I love my children equally and regardless of their gender of course but I don't
know, I've just been brainstorming names lately, I can't get it out of my head."

"Alright, well you go tell your wife that, while I go take the boys get all cleaned up for dinner." Genie pat me in the back and went over to the boys as Jasmine came my way.

"Hey babe, let's go get ready for dinner."

"I'll be a minute." I sat down looking at the fountain.

"Is everything okay?" She came up to me and put her hand on my cheek. "You know you can tell me anything." Jasmine smiled softly at me.

"Yeah everything's alright, I've just been thinking about something lately..." Jasmine turned her head.

"What about?"

"Well... my mom, her name was Isabelle, and I just, I've been thinking if it was a girl that maybe that could be her name. I know we named Sahara after your mom and I was just thinking maybe, if one of them is a girl we could—"

"Yes we can name her after your mom Al." Jasmine smiled at me. "Nothing would make me happier."

I sighed in relief and smiled back at her. "Thank you Jas."

"Of course babe, now come on, let's go eat something." She put her hand on her belly and grabbed my hand as we headed back inside.


Hiiii! Hope you guys enjoyed!

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tw: eienahoughiin

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