Rydel is sitting there with a paper in front of her and some of her friends. "What's up?" She asks, glancing up at me quickly.

"Nothing. Just wanted to see what was going on," I reply, heading toward the fridge to get a drink.

She replies. "Is Danielle coming? Her family? I just want to get a headcount."

"Coming where?" I ask.

"To my party, obviously," she says.

Oh, right.

I shrug my shoulders. "I'm assuming she is. I don't know about her family. I'll call her quick."

As I lean against the counter, I pull my phone out of my pocket while playing with my water bottle lid. I click her name and press it to my ear.

"Miss me already?" Dani asks into the phone.

I want to roll my eyes, but Rydel's friends are staring at me.

I let out a fake laugh. "I have a question. Who is coming for Rydel's birthday party?"

"Hmm, I know I am, obviously. Then I think my parents," she says.

I look at Rydel and repeat what Danielle just said to me. I watch as she scribbles them down onto her paper.

I turn my attention back to Danielle. "Okay, awesome. Have fun tonight," I say then hang up after she says her goodbye.

I walk over to the table and glance at her paper, examining the names quickly. No Hayley.

"What're you looking for?" She asks, sliding her hand over the paper like a kid in elementary school during a quiz.

Her friends laugh.

"I wanted to see how you were writing down the names or why that's important in any sense since you already booked the room and catered the food," I reply. "Just trying to make some sense of it," I say, tapping my hand onto her bun then turning in the other direction to head toward my room.

"I don't think Hayley is coming," she says.

I know she felt like some powerful bitch by saying that because she knows why I was looking at her paper.

I glance at her, my hand on the handrail of the stairs. "Yeah. I don't know why she would," I reply then head up the stairs.

That was a bit mean, but that's what she gets for trying to embarrass me in front of her friends.

I can count all of the reasons why she won't come with hardly any as to why she would. I hurt her.

I grab my journal and continue writing out some possible song lyrics to occupy my head from her.

Twenty minutes later when my hand begins to cramp, I glance at my phone.

Danielle: please come out with us :(

Fuck it.

Ross: Fineeeee. Give me 15 to get ready.

Danielle: perfect, we'll make the Uber go there first.

Might as well get drunk. No harm, no foul. With that in mind, I get dressed into jeans and a nicer shirt with a belt. By the time I'm done fixing my hair, I glance at my phone to see a text that they're here.

I grab my wallet and keys and head downstairs. "Where are you going?" Riker asks, an apple in his hand.

"Out with Dani. Be home later," I reply then walk out to the black Uber car.

Preacher Man // ross lynch + driver eraWhere stories live. Discover now