"Go ahead," he said.

"Umm, what are 'we' now?" I asked, smiling shyly. He closed his eyes in thought, and a big smile became obvious behind his mask.

"Why don't we try an actual relationship?" he said, opening his eyes to watch my reaction.

I didn't know how to react, but I felt extremely shy at the time. I brushed my hair out of my face as I bit my lip slightly.

"Are you asking me to be your girlfriend?" I asked. He chuckled.

"Yes, I am. Will you, Hikari?"

I couldn't find my voice to answer, but I nodded quickly, which made him chuckle more. He got up from the bed and walked over to stand directly in front of me.

"I'd prefer to hear you say it," he said, smirking cheekily. I let a slight giggle and averted my eyes shyly.

"Yes," I managed to squeak out. He laughed and patted me on the head.

"I'll see you tonight then, Hikari," he said with his usual, charming, closed eye smile.


"So, just to clarify, you saw your sister - who went missing during the attack lead by Orochimaru - with said man, and Sasuke was with them?" Tsunade asked, looking at me from her desk. I was leaning against one of the many windows in her office, arms crossed.

"Yes," I said simply.

"She was using skills similar to those of the Katanashi clan, and her right arm appeared to be infected in a way exhibited in those who are not of Katanashi blood but attempt to use their skills?"


"Then I don't quite understand why this scares you as much it does. Wouldn't anyone get that reaction from using the skills?" she asked.

"Yes and no. Anyone who attempted to use the clan skills would not be able to perform anything, and the infection would spread  and destroy them within about ten minutes, originating from both hands. Miyu's infection was only spreading from one hand, and she was performing the skills. I believe Orochimaru has something to do with how rapidly my clan disappeared, and I think he collected Katanashi blood, which he is injecting into Miyu," I said, starting to pace back and forth.

"And from what you have seen and know, why do you suspect all of this is happening?" she asked.

"Miyu is delusional, absolutely convinced that she is a member of the clan. He's likely further convincing her she is by injecting her with the blood to give her the ability to use the skills. He's fueling her hatred for me so she'll lead him to me, and he'll be able to get his hands on a Katanashi who can use the full powers of the clan. We know he is obsessed with Kekkei Genkai, that's why he has Sasuke," I said, pacing faster.

"Hikari, you need to calm down. You're safe here," Tsunade said, watching me closely.

"It's not me I'm worried about. Yes, she's ingrained a fear into me, but that isn't the problem. She is using power she can't control, and it will take her over. The infection isn't a disease like you think. It's converting ordinary cells in her body into matter that is formless in nature. That kind of matter is what the Katanashi clan uses in their skills. The infection will get into her blood stream, and then will flow into the rest of her. Ordinarily, the matter takes up so much of the blood stream quickly, and the heart just gives up. But in her case, her heart will keep working while the infection makes it to her brain. Once in her brain, it will target her hatred and irrational thoughts because those are the most active due to Orochimaru's influence. Her brain will not be the same, and before long, by feeding off of those aspects most active, the other portions of the brain will contain cells replicating the hatred, and she'll become an out of control, hate filled, irrational monster. She will destroy anything and everything to get to me. It's not me I'm scared of, it's everything she'll do to get to me. The people she'll hurt...," I said, talking quickly as I try to explain everything.

Identical Lies (A Naruto Fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant