He was in shock but soon started kissing back. I moved my hand up and felt something cold. Exactly what i'm looking for. I quickly yanked on the Silver claw. He bit down on my lip.
I pulled away before it got too heated and because Zach, Aaron and Bonnie were in the same room. I held the claw up
"see it wasn't that hard."
I turned as much as I could with Luke's hulk grip on my waist.
"See never send a boy to do a woman's job." Bonnie laughed and so did I. I tried to get off Luke but he's wasn't letting go.

That's when Zach cleared his throat
"let's leave the love birds alone shall we."
Just before they closed the door I heard Bonnie shout
"use protection"

I was bright red. "You just kissed me princess."
Oh God. Please don't do this to me.
"Yeah to sav-"
Luke pulled the front of my shirt and shut me up in the best way possible. The kiss was soft and gentle. I think he's afraid of hurting me. I threaded my fingers through his hair and tugged a little. Earning a groan from Luke. He liked my bottom lip asking for entrance.

I'll admit it, i'm completely inexperienced and clueless when it comes to kissing, guys and the whole sex department. I was focused on my career and it's hard to go out with a guy when all the senior ranks are watching you and reporting to your parents. Also all the boys knew that if they got too close my parents had the ability to make their lives hell. Yes my father is the kind that wouldn't think twice about it if he thought they were getting too close. Plus I kissed one guy when I was 15 and it was horrible. Everything inside me was telling me it was wrong.

I pulled back because I was running out of oxygen. My heart's racing and i'm feeling a bit light headed. I don't know if it's from the kiss or from the lack of Oxygen.

"You know you just accepted me as your mate right. You're mine now princess." I was about to object when he kissed me again. Damn I can see him using his against me in the future.

"You know I could get used to this. You straddling me panting and breathless, yeah definitely." I slapped his chest. The sound of the doorbell stopped me from retaliating.

I caught Luke off guard and escaped his grip. I nearly fell down the stairs and broke my neck....again. I pushed Zach out of the way and got the door. The pizza was handed to me. My precious. I looked up at the delivery guy. He was about 17, was my height and cocky. "How much?"
"No, charging a pretty girl like you would be wrong but I will take your number."
"Sorry babysitting isn't part of my job description. Now how much?"
"Come on sweet cheeks don't play hard to get." I think i'm going to be sick.

I felt the all too familiar tingles. I leaned into Luke's hold. His body was tense obviously after hearing the boy trying to hit on me. I felt feather like touches on my neck. I tilted my head to the side allowing him more access. I don't know why I did that but my body had a mind of it's own. Luke trailed open soft mouthed kisses along my neck. He tugged a bit on the last one, not enough to leave a mark but enough to make me muffle a moan.

"She's not interested, she's taken and she asked how much." His voice was stone cold. The poor boy looked like he was going to shit himself. Luke handed him the money as I walked into the front room.

Luke and I had just had our first kiss.
I accepted Luke as my mate.
I faced rogues.

Well today was eventful.


As I walked into the living room I could see all three of them on the couch. Bonnie was in the middle but Aaron had a protective arm around her. Is this what all mates are like? It's only Zach. To think of it anytime any male gets close to her Aaron always holds her close. Is that why Luke felt the need to not only tell but show the pizza boy that "i'm his" ?

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