Chapter Sixteen

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Vampire Outlaws, MC

Manhattan, New York



I sat up in a rush, my undead heart pounding in my chest. My skin slick with sweat glistened from the small lamp on the nightstand as I ran my hand over my face and sucked in a breath. I glanced at the clock on my phone, less than an hour and a half till daylight. With the shutters on my windows securely fastened, the outside world was unknown to me. But that scream sounded so vivid, so real.

I got up, stretching my arms over my head as I groaned mildly. Then a notification on my phone gained my attention. Thinking that it was from one of the boys at the club, I decided to check it out. It was a text from an unknown number with the words 'WATCH ME' in bold letters. I tapped on it. The screen switched over to video as a 30-second clip began to play. I nearly dropped it once I saw Caleb, his back to a large window overlooking downtown Manhattan.

A gun was pointed at him. A revolver .38 special. I continued to watch with bated breath as a man's voice appeared behind the camera. I growled in anger...Lorenzo. "—This bullet is the match, and you're the gasoline." The gun went off with a bang, striking Caleb in the stomach as he slid down to the floor leaving a smear of blood on the window. Then the video ended followed by an incoming call from the same unknown number who just sent me the video. I answered it with venom in my voice and cold dead ice in my veins.

"Ah, Zane, my old friend. I take it you've already watched the video."

"Bastard! When I get my hands on you—"

"Hardly. I have my men guarding the hall as well as my suite. You're outgunned and alone. Now, be a good vampire and bring me the weapons I asked for."

"That's impossible. Sunrise is up in less than half an hour. You have to give me more time than that."

"Sorry, Zane. But I'm afraid I can't do that. As for Caleb, I don't think he has that much time left either. Shall I put him on the phone so that you may speak to him one last time?"

"Lorenzo, wait!"

"I have to go now, Zane. Sun's coming up soon. And what a beautiful sunrise it will be. Too bad Caleb won't be around to see it. But don't worry, I'll toss his body in the river and save you the expense of having to clean up after yourself."

The line disconnected leaving me with a shattered phone in the process. I reached for another one, my backup cell and dialed Colt's number. He always answered on the first ring.

"Zane," his voice heavy with sleep. "What time is it?"

"Never mind that. Listen, I need you to find me a location and I need you to find it now."

"Seriously? The sun will be up soon in half an hour."

"Colt! I don't have time to listen to your whining bullshit. Caleb is in trouble."

"Alright, alright. Just let me get to my computer. I'll call you back in five."

"Goodman. The number is registered as UNKNOWN. It should already be stored in the clubhouse server. Find me that location and text me the address."

Now it was my turn to hang up. I went to the kitchen where a separate door housed not only my gym equipment but my armory as well. An assortment of guns, knives, and ammo lined the far wall as I got to work strapping a pair of guns to my thighs and sheathed several daggers along the small of my back. And with a few extra magazines attached to my gun belt, I looked like a one-man army who was ready to go war. Then I covered myself with a leather jacket that bared the clubhouse logo across the back.

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