Chapter Fifteen

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Vampire Outlaws, MC

Manhattan, New York



I waved goodnight to Zane while he slept during the daytime hours and made my way down the short corridor to a flight of stairs which lead me right out the door and onto the isolated street. I pulled out my phone to call for a taxi as the roar of an engine came racing around the corner before screeching to a halt right in front of me. A mysterious black van with its windows tinted pulled alongside me as its door slid open revealing five kidnappers dressed all in black. They reached for me the instant I screamed at the top of my lungs, calling out to Zane. But something hard hit me in the back of the head as I fell into darkness.

Zane. Help me.

The pounding ache in my head was the first thing that came to mind when I came to with my hands tied together thanks to a pair of zip-ties. I looked around in a haze that slowly became clear with each passing moment. The feel of cold metal pressed against the small of my back as I jumped slightly on contact. Then when we went over a pothole and my head hit against the side of the van. I groaned. Okay, yup. That's definitely gonna leave a mark.

Five men dressed all in black sat around me. They wore masks to cover their faces as well as the driver. As I glanced out the windshield to try and make sure of where they were taking me. The skyline had changed as well as the buildings. We crossed over the ManhattanBridge and headed deeper into the city. From there, I tried to keep my emotions in check and not let my kidnappers know how scared I was. I could only hope now that Zane heard my cry for help and was working on a plan to try and save me.

The van shifted slightly until it came to a crawling halt alongside the road. The door beside me opened as the kidnappers hopped out and yanked me from my seat as I nearly lost my footing and almost landed on my face. Next, they escorted me through the front lobby of some fancy condo complex as rounded a corner and took the express elevator to the button labeled PH which could only one thing: PENTHOUSE.

A few minutes later, the doors opened to a grand foyer that looked straight into a massive living room with breathtaking views of the Manhattan skyline. The floors were black and neatly polished while expensive furniture filled the entire space. Forced to sit down on the couch, the zip-ties that once bound my wrists were cut off. I winced, rubbing at the indentations when I heard someone clapping slowly behind me.

"Caleb. Welcome to my humble home."

I glanced over my shoulder at the man I met only once. Lorenzo. "You've got to be kidding me," I muttered.

"I'm sorry if I caused quite a ruckus getting you here. I hope my boys didn't hurt you too badly."

"No. Not at all. They just scared the shit out of me."

Walking around the couch, Lorenzo sat down next to me. "Do you know why you're here?"

"Should I?"

"Leverage. You see, those weapons have cost me a considerate amount of money. But I'm also one who doesn't like to waste time. Once Zane realizes you've been taken. He'll have no choice but to return the weapons to me."

"You don't know what you've done. He'll come after you either way."

"I'm hoping so. And in the meantime, his death will be the end of the Vampire Outlaw motorcycle gang. Those bastards have been a thorn in our side for too long. Its time we put a stop to them and end them once and for all."

The urge to laugh made its presence known. If only Lorenzo knew the real truth. But I maintained my composure and stood up, walking over to the window to admire the city streets below while the sky started to show the early signs of the morning sunrise. I looked up and after a moment noticed Lorenzo standing behind me, holding something in his hand. I turned around slowly and came face to face with the barrel of a gun.

"Please don't."

"I am sorry. But you know that old saying; you can't start a fire without a match. Well, this bullet is the match and you're the gasoline."

I wanted to run away. But with very little places to duck and cover, not to mention the several men in suits standing around the place. I had no choice but to brace myself against the window and pray that it was quick and painless. Staring into his eyes, I tried not to watch as his finger eased slowly on the trigger until a bright flash caused me to jump. Then came the pain. Pain that resonated from my stomach.

My knees gave out from under me as I slid down the window, watching the blood flow freely from the dimed size hole about my belly button. I blinked, my vision going in and out as Lorenzo's voice sounded muffled. With the gun passed off to one of the guards, he now had a cell phone in his hand. Whether he was taking a photo or a video, I wasn't sure. But I knew I was losing blood at an alarming rate.

I had minutes maybe, maybe more. Darkness surrounded me; the feeling of death was inevitable. On what should've been my final breath, my thoughts turned to Zane, and the future that would never happen.

Author's Note: Hello everyone! Hope your week is going well. Me? Nothing but work, work, work. And sleeping, lots of sleeping lol. Also, this story is coming to an end soon. So I want to try something different. Instead of me coming up the ending. I'm curious to see what you guys have in mind. Because after all, you (my readers) do come up with the best ideas! Now I need to take it easy and get ready for bed soon. 3:40 AM comes awfully quick.

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